Top Python IDEs: Master Python Like a Pro

Estimated read time 31 min read

In the ever-evolving world of software development, Python has emerged as a powerhouse, beloved by developers for its simplicity, versatility, and extensive applications across diverse domains. Whether you’re a seasoned programmer or just starting your coding journey, leveraging the right Integrated Development Environment (IDE) can be a game-changer, enhancing your productivity, efficiency, and overall coding experience.

Top Python IDEs: Master Python Like a Pro

This comprehensive guide delves into the realm of Python IDEs, exploring the top contenders for 2024 and equipping you with the knowledge to select the perfect tool to elevate your Python mastery.

What is a Python IDE?

What is a Python IDE?

At its core, an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is a powerful software application that combines a multitude of tools and features essential for streamlining the development process. It typically encompasses a code editor, a compiler or interpreter, a debugger, and various other utilities, all seamlessly integrated into a single interface.

For Python developers, an IDE can be an invaluable asset, offering features tailored specifically for the language. These features may include code completion, syntax highlighting, code formatting, code inspection, and debugging capabilities, among others. By leveraging these tools, developers can write, test, and debug their Python code more efficiently, ultimately boosting their productivity and ensuring higher code quality.

Criteria for Choosing the Best Python IDE

Criteria for Choosing the Best Python IDE

With an abundance of Python IDEs available in the market, selecting the ideal one can be a daunting task. To help you navigate this decision, here are some crucial criteria to consider:

For Beginners

  • User-friendly interface: A clean and intuitive layout can significantly reduce the learning curve, allowing beginners to focus on mastering Python rather than wrestling with a complex IDE.
  • Built-in tutorials and learning resources: Integrated tutorials, documentation, and coding examples can accelerate the learning process, providing valuable guidance and support.
  • Basic coding tools: Essential features like syntax highlighting, code completion, and auto-indentation can greatly enhance the coding experience for newcomers to Python.

For Professionals

  • Advanced features: Seasoned developers often require more sophisticated tools, such as refactoring capabilities, remote development support, and extensive plugin and extension ecosystems.
  • Robust debugging and testing tools: Comprehensive debugging and testing frameworks integrated into the IDE can streamline the process of identifying and resolving issues, ensuring code reliability and maintainability.
  • Performance and resource optimization: As projects grow in complexity, an IDE that efficiently manages resources and offers performance optimization can be crucial for maintaining a smooth development workflow.
Use CaseRecommended IDEs
BeginnersThonny, IDLE, Visual Studio Code
Web DevelopmentPyCharm, Visual Studio Code
Data Science and Machine LearningSpyder, PyCharm, Visual Studio Code
Scientific ComputingSpyder, PyCharm
GUI DevelopmentPyCharm, Eric
Embedded Systems and IoTVisual Studio Code, PyCharm
General Python DevelopmentPyCharm, Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text
Python IDE Recommendations by Use Case

Top Open Source Python IDEs

Top Open Source Python IDEs

The open-source community has fostered the development of several powerful and feature-rich Python IDEs, providing developers with robust and cost-effective solutions. Here are some of the top open-source Python IDEs to consider :


Eric, short for “Eric Python IDE,” is a lightweight yet full-featured IDE designed specifically for Python development. Developed by Detlev Offenbach, Eric boasts an impressive array of features, including:

  • Code completion and syntax highlighting
  • Integrated class browser and code inspector
  • Built-in unit testing capabilities
  • Powerful debugger with advanced features like remote debugging
  • Support for version control systems such as Subversion and Git.
  • Qt form preview function for GUI development

Eric’s clean and minimalistic interface, combined with its comprehensive toolset, makes it an attractive choice for both novice and experienced Python developers alike.


  • Lightweight and fast
  • Extensive documentation and community support
  • Cross-platform compatibility (Windows, macOS, and Linux)


  • In comparison to other IDEs, there is a smaller plugin ecosystem.
  • Relatively basic project management capabilities

Best Use Cases:

  • General Python development projects
  • GUI development with Qt framework
  • Embedded systems and device programming


Pyzo is a powerful, Qt-based Python IDE that aims to provide a seamless and integrated development experience. Developed by Michael Kazmi, Pyzo offers a wealth of features tailored for scientific computing and data analysis:

  • Advanced code editor that includes syntax highlighting and code folding.
  • Built-in file browser and project overview
  • Integrated console, debugger, and indentation tracker
  • Support for inline plotting and data visualization
  • Extensive documentation and examples

One of Pyzo’s standout features is its exceptional support for interactive computing, making it an excellent choice for data scientists, researchers, and educators.


  • Excellent for interactive computing and data analysis
  • Clean and modern user interface
  • Actively developed and maintained


  • Limited plugin ecosystem compared to some other IDEs
  • Relatively new and less established in the Python community

Best Use Cases:

  • Scientific computing and data analysis
  • Interactive computing and exploratory data analysis
  • Educational and research purposes


Spyder, which stands for “Scientific Python Development Environment,” is an open-source IDE created primarily for scientific computing and data processing. Developed by the Spyder Project Contributors, it offers a wide range of features tailored for researchers, scientists, and engineers working with Python:

  • Advanced code editor that includes syntax highlighting and code folding.
  • Interactive IPython console for exploratory computing
  • Integrated data viewer and variable explorer
  • Support for inline plotting and data visualization
  • Profiling, debugging, and code analysis tools

Spyder’s tight integration with popular scientific libraries like NumPy, SciPy, and Matplotlib make it a powerful tool for data scientists and researchers working with Python.


  • Excellent for scientific computing and data analysis
  • Integrates well with popular scientific libraries
  • Active development and strong community support


  • User interface may feel cluttered or overwhelming for beginners
  • Limited support for general-purpose Python development

Best Use Cases:

  • Scientific computing and data analysis
  • Research projects involving numerical computations
  • Educational purposes in scientific and engineering domains

While these three open-source Python IDEs offer exceptional capabilities, there are several other notable options worth considering, such as IDLE (the default Python IDE), Geany, Atom, and Brackets, each with its unique strengths and target audience.

IDLE (Integrated Development and Learning Environment)

IDLE is the default Python IDE that comes bundled with the Python installation. While relatively basic compared to more advanced options, IDLE offers a straightforward and beginner-friendly interface. Its key features include:

  • Code editor with syntax highlighting and auto-indentation
  • Interactive Python shell for testing and debugging
  • File browser and basic debugging capabilities

IDLE is an excellent choice for newcomers to Python who want a simple, lightweight, and hassle-free environment to start their coding journey.


Geany is a lightweight and cross-platform code editor that supports multiple programming languages, including Python. While not a full-fledged IDE, Geany offers several useful features for Python development:

  • Code folding, syntax highlighting, and auto-completion
  • Built-in support for popular version control systems (Git, Subversion, etc.)
  • Symbol browser for navigating code structures
  • Plugin support for extending functionality

Geany’s simplicity and efficiency make it a great option for developers who prefer a streamlined and distraction-free coding environment.


Developed by GitHub, Atom is a highly customizable and hackable text editor with excellent support for Python. While not an IDE out of the box, Atom can be transformed into a powerful Python development environment with the help of its extensive package ecosystem. Notable features include:

  • Built-in package manager for installing extensions and packages
  • Support for multiple cursors and pane splitting
  • Git integration and GitHub integration
  • Extensive theming and customization options

Atom’s flexibility and extensibility make it a popular choice among developers who value a highly personalized coding experience.


Brackets is another open-source code editor with a focus on web development, but it also supports Python development through its extension ecosystem. Some of its key features include:

  • Live preview for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files
  • Inline editors for quick code changes
  • Built-in support for code folding, linting, and code hinting
  • Cross-platform compatibility (Windows, macOS, and Linux)

While not primarily designed for Python development, Brackets can be a viable option for developers working on web-based Python projects or those who prefer a lightweight and extensible code editor.

These open-source options offer a diverse range of capabilities and cater to various developer preferences and use cases. Whether you’re a beginner seeking a gentle introduction to Python or an experienced developer seeking advanced functionality, the open-source community has something to offer.

Top Paid Python IDEs and Code Editors

Top Paid Python IDEs and Code Editors

While open-source Python IDEs offer excellent and cost-effective solutions, several paid options provide even more advanced features, robust support, and a polished user experience. Here are some of the top paid Python IDEs and code editors to consider :


Developed by JetBrains, PyCharm is widely regarded as one of the most powerful and feature-rich Python IDEs available. It offers a comprehensive set of tools and utilities tailored for professional Python development:

  • Intelligent code completion and refactoring capabilities
  • Integrated debugger with advanced features like remote debugging
  • Built-in support for version control systems (Git, Mercurial, Subversion)
  • Integration with popular web frameworks like Django, Flask, and Pyramid
  • Extensive plugin ecosystem for extending functionality
  • Support for scientific computing tools like NumPy and Matplotlib

PyCharm is available in two editions: a free Community Edition and a paid Professional Edition with additional features for web development, data science, and enterprise-level development.


  • Robust and feature-rich IDE
  • Excellent code navigation and refactoring capabilities
  • Powerful debugging and profiling tools
  • Extensive community support and documentation


  • Relatively resource-intensive and may be slower on older hardware
  • Paid Professional Edition can be expensive for individuals or small teams

Best Use Cases:

  • Large-scale Python development projects
  • Django and Flask are popular frameworks used for web development.
  • Data science and scientific computing projects
  • Enterprise-level software development

Visual Studio Code (VS Code)

Developed by Microsoft, Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a free, open-source code editor that has gained immense popularity among developers across various programming languages, including Python. While not a full-fledged IDE out of the box, VS Code can be extended with a wide range of extensions and plugins to transform it into a powerful Python development environment:

  • Lightweight and fast performance
  • Extensive plugin ecosystem for Python development (e.g., Python Extension Pack)
  • Integrated terminal and debugging capabilities
  • Support for version control systems like Git
  • Rich code editing features like IntelliSense, code formatting, and refactoring

With the Python Extension Pack installed, VS Code provides features like code completion, linting, debugging, and unit testing support, making it a compelling choice for Python developers.


  • Lightweight and highly customizable
  • Excellent plugin ecosystem and community support
  • Cross-platform compatibility (Windows, macOS, and Linux)
  • Free to use, but with paid alternatives for additional functionality.


  • Not a full-fledged IDE out of the box (requires additional extensions)
  • Limited support for advanced Python features like scientific computing and data analysis

Best Use Cases:

  • General-purpose Python development projects
  • Web development with Python frameworks
  • Scripting and automation tasks
  • Embedded systems and device programming

Sublime Text

Sublime Text is a popular and powerful cross-platform code editor known for its speed, simplicity, and extensive customization options. While not a dedicated Python IDE, Sublime Text can be transformed into a capable Python development environment with the help of various plugins and packages:

  • Lightweight and fast performance
  • Extensive plugin ecosystem for Python development (e.g., SublimeCodeIntel, SublimeLinter)
  • Rich code editing features like code completion, syntax highlighting, and code folding
  • Support for version control systems like Git
  • Highly customizable user interface and keybindings

With the right set of plugins installed, Sublime Text can provide features like code completion, linting, debugging, and code formatting for Python development.


  • Lightweight and highly responsive
  • Excellent plugin ecosystem and community support
  • Highly customizable and extensible
  • Cross-platform compatibility (Windows, macOS, and Linux)


  • Not a full-fledged IDE out of the box (requires additional plugins)
  • Limited support for advanced Python features like scientific computing and data analysis
  • Paid license required for continued use (free trial available)

Best Use Cases:

  • General-purpose Python development projects
  • Web development with Python frameworks
  • Scripting and automation tasks
  • Rapid prototyping and small-scale projects

Wing IDE

Developed by Wing Software, Wing IDE is a professional Python IDE designed for serious Python development. It offers a comprehensive set of features and tools for writing, debugging, and testing Python code:

  • Intelligent code completion and code navigation
  • Integrated debugger with advanced features like remote debugging and multi-process debugging
  • Supports version control systems such as Git and Subversion.
  • Integrated unit testing and code coverage tools
  • Python-specific refactoring capabilities
  • Extensive support for scientific computing libraries like NumPy and SciPy

Wing IDE is available in three editions: a free Personal Edition with limited features, a paid Professional Edition, and an Enterprise Edition for teams and organizations.


  • Powerful and feature-rich Python IDE
  • Excellent debugging and testing capabilities
  • Support for advanced Python features like scientific computing
  • Cross-platform compatibility (Windows, macOS, and Linux)


  • Limited free edition with restricted features
  • Paid editions can be expensive for individuals or small teams
  • Relatively steep learning curve compared to some other IDEs

Best Use Cases:

  • Large-scale Python development projects
  • Scientific computing and data analysis projects
  • Complex web development projects with Python frameworks
  • Enterprise-level software development

PyDev (Eclipse Plugin)

PyDev is a popular and feature-rich Python IDE plugin for the Eclipse development environment. While Eclipse itself is not a Python-specific IDE, the PyDev plugin transforms it into a powerful Python development environment:

  • Intelligent code completion and code navigation
  • Integrated debugger with advanced features like remote debugging
  • Support for version control systems, such as Git and Subversion
  • Integrated unit testing and code coverage tools
  • Python-specific refactoring capabilities
  • Comprehensive support for major Python frameworks such as Django and Flask.

PyDev is available as a free and open-source plugin for the Eclipse IDE, which is also available for free.


  • Powerful and feature-rich Python development environment
  • Excellent debugging and testing capabilities
  • Integration with the Eclipse ecosystem and its plugins
  • Free and open-source (with paid support options)


  • Steeper learning curve compared to some standalone Python IDEs
  • Eclipse IDE can be resource-intensive and slower on older hardware
  • Limited support for advanced Python features like scientific computing out of the box

Best Use Cases:

  • Large-scale Python development projects
  • Web development with Python frameworks like Django and Flask
  • Integration with other Eclipse plugins and tools
  • Enterprise-level software development

These are just a few examples of the top paid Python IDEs and code editors available in the market. Other notable options include Komodo IDE, LiClipse, and Ninja-IDE, each with its unique strengths and target audience.

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Thonny: The Python Editor for Beginners

thonny: The Python Editor for Beginners

If you’re just embarking on your Python coding journey, Thonny is an excellent choice for an IDE. Designed specifically with beginners in mind, Thonny offers a user-friendly and approachable introduction to Python programming, making it an ideal starting point for those new to the language.

Developed by the Institute of Computer Science at the University of Tartu, Thonny is a Python IDE that comes bundled with Python 3 by default. Its simple and clean interface provides a distraction-free coding environment, allowing you to focus on learning and experimenting with Python concepts.

Here are some of the key features that make Thonny a standout choice for beginners:

  1. Simple User Interface: Thonny’s minimalistic interface eliminates the clutter and complexity often found in more advanced IDEs, ensuring that beginners aren’t overwhelmed by a myriad of tools and options they may not need initially.
  2. Built-in Python Interpreter: With Thonny, you don’t need to worry about setting up a separate Python interpreter or environment. The IDE comes pre-configured with a Python 3 interpreter, allowing you to start coding right away.
  3. Syntax Error Highlighting: Thonny provides real-time syntax error highlighting, making it easier for beginners to identify and correct coding mistakes as they write their code.
  4. Debugger and Step-through Evaluation: One of Thonny’s standout features is its built-in debugger, which allows you to step through your code line by line, evaluating expressions and tracking variable values. This invaluable tool facilitates a deeper understanding of how your code executes and helps identify and resolve logic errors.
  5. Code Completion and Suggestions: Thonny offers code completion and suggestions, which can help beginners learn Python’s syntax and available functions more quickly, reducing the need for constant reference to documentation.
  6. Shell Integration: Thonny integrates a Python shell directly into the IDE, enabling you to test and experiment with code snippets without having to create a separate file or script.

While Thonny may lack some of the advanced features found in more sophisticated IDEs, its simplicity and focus on learning make it an excellent choice for those starting their Python coding journey. As your skills and projects grow, you can seamlessly transition to more powerful IDEs while maintaining the fundamental knowledge gained from using Thonny.

For more information and to download Thonny, visit the official website:

Python IDEs vs Code Editors: Understanding the Difference

Python IDEs vs Code Editors: Understanding the Difference

While the terms “IDE” and “code editor” are often used interchangeably, there are distinct differences between the two that are important to understand, especially when choosing the right tool for your Python development needs.

Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)

An IDE is a comprehensive software suite that provides a complete development environment for writing, testing, debugging, and deploying code. Python IDEs typically integrate a code editor with a range of additional tools and features, such as:

  • Code Completion: Suggests and auto-completes code as you type, improving efficiency and reducing typos.
  • Debugging Tools: Built-in debuggers allow you to step through your code, set breakpoints, and inspect variables during runtime.
  • Unit Testing: Integrated support for writing and running unit tests to ensure code quality and reliability.
  • Version Control: Integration with popular version control systems like Git, allowing seamless collaboration and code management.
  • Code Refactoring: Automated tools for restructuring existing code, improving maintainability and reducing technical debt.
  • Project Navigation: Navigating through large codebases is made easier with features like class browsers and project hierarchies.

IDEs are designed to be a one-stop-shop for developers, providing a cohesive and streamlined workflow from coding to deployment.

Code Editors

In contrast, code editors are primarily focused on providing an efficient and customizable environment for writing and editing code. While they may offer some additional features, code editors are generally more lightweight and less resource-intensive than full-fledged IDEs. Common features of code editors include:

  • Syntax Highlighting: Color-coding different elements of code for better readability and understanding.
  • Autocompletion: Basic code completion and suggestion capabilities.
  • Brace Matching: Helps identify matching pairs of parentheses, brackets, and braces.
  • Code Folding: Ability to collapse or expand sections of code for better organization.
  • Customization: Extensive options for customizing the editor’s appearance, keybindings, and plugins or extensions.

Code editors are often preferred by developers who value simplicity, lightweight performance, and the ability to tailor the editor to their specific preferences.

Here’s a table summarizing the key differences between python IDEs and code editors:

FeatureIDEsCode Editors
Code Editing
Debugging Tools
Unit Testing
Version Control Integration
Code Refactoring
Project Navigation
Resource Intensive
key differences between IDEs and code editors

It’s important to note that the line between IDEs and code editors is becoming increasingly blurred, with many code editors offering IDE-like features through extensive plugin ecosystems. Ultimately, the choice between an IDE or a code editor depends on your specific requirements, project complexity, and personal preferences.

For beginners or those working on smaller projects, a code editor like Visual Studio Code or Sublime Text may suffice, providing a lightweight and customizable coding experience. On the other hand, for larger projects, team collaborations, or complex development environments, an IDE like PyCharm or Spyder can offer a more comprehensive and integrated solution.

Tips for Optimizing Your Python Dev Environment

Tips for Optimizing Your Python Dev Environment

While selecting the right Python IDE is crucial, optimizing your development environment can further amplify your productivity and coding efficiency. Here are some invaluable tips to help you tailor your Python IDE to your specific needs and workflow:

Configuring Settings and Layouts

Every developer has unique preferences and coding styles. Fortunately, most Python IDEs offer extensive customization options, allowing you to configure settings and layouts to suit your needs. Consider adjusting the following:

  • Editor Theme and Color Scheme: Choose a color scheme that minimizes eye strain and enhances code readability. Many IDEs offer a wide range of themes, including popular ones like Monokai, Solarized, and Material.
  • Font and Font Size: Select a monospaced font that is easy to read and adjust the font size for optimal viewing comfort.
  • Window and Panel Layouts: Rearrange the layout of windows, panels, and tool windows to streamline your workflow. For example, you may want to position the code editor, console, and debugging tools side by side for easy access.
  • Keyboard Mappings and Shortcuts: Customize keyboard shortcuts to match your preferences or align with other IDEs you’ve used, minimizing the learning curve and increasing efficiency.

Using Virtual Environments

Python’s virtual environments allow you to create isolated, self-contained environments for your projects, ensuring that dependencies and package versions do not conflict with other projects or your system’s global Python installation. Most recent Python IDEs include built-in support for establishing and managing virtual environments, making it simple to keep a clean and organized programming environment.

By leveraging virtual environments, you can:

  • Isolate project dependencies and avoid version conflicts
  • Ensure reproducible builds and consistent environments across different machines
  • Easily switch between different Python versions or environments for different projects

Popular tools for managing virtual environments include venv (built-in with Python 3), virtualenv, and conda (for Anaconda installations).

Extensions and Plugins

One of the significant advantages of using a Python IDE is the ability to extend its functionality through plugins and extensions. These add-ons can provide a wide range of enhancements, from code linters and formatters to integration with external tools and services.

Here are some popular extensions and plugins to consider:

  • Code Linters and Formatters: Tools like Pylint, Black, and Autopep8 can help enforce coding standards, identify potential issues, and automatically format your code according to best practices.
  • Version Control Integration: Most IDEs offer seamless integration with popular version control systems like Git, Mercurial, and Subversion, allowing you to manage your code repositories directly from within the IDE.
  • Debugger Enhancements: Advanced debugging tools like pdb++ or pudb can provide enhanced debugging capabilities, such as better visualization and navigation of the call stack.
  • Code Exploration and Refactoring: Tools like Rope or Jedi can offer advanced code exploration, refactoring, and code analysis features, improving code maintainability and productivity.

Remember to explore the plugin repositories and marketplaces specific to your chosen Python IDE to discover a wealth of additional extensions tailored to your development needs.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Mastering keyboard shortcuts can significantly boost your coding speed and efficiency. Most Python IDEs come with a plethora of predefined shortcuts for common actions, such as code navigation, editing, debugging, and more.

Take the time to familiarize yourself with the essential keyboard shortcuts for your chosen IDE. Additionally, consider customizing or remapping shortcuts to better align with your muscle memory or preferences from other IDEs you’ve used.

Here are some commonly used keyboard shortcuts in popular Python IDEs:

  • PyCharm:
    • Ctrl+Shift+N (New file)
    • Ctrl+/ (Comment/Uncomment)
    • Ctrl+F9 (Build/Run)
    • F8 (Step Over)
  • Visual Studio Code:
    • Ctrl+N (New file)
    • Ctrl+/ (Comment/Uncomment)
    • F5 (Start Debugging)
    • F11 (Toggle Full Screen)
  • Spyder:
    • Ctrl+N (New file)
    • Ctrl+1 (Code Editor)
    • Ctrl+2 (IPython Console)
    • Ctrl+3 (Variable Explorer)

Refer to the documentation or built-in shortcuts reference for your specific Python IDE to discover and master the full range of available keyboard shortcuts.

Code Snippets and Templates

Writing boilerplate code or repetitive code structures can be time-consuming and error-prone. To streamline this process, most Python IDEs support code snippets and templates, allowing you to insert pre-defined code blocks with a few keystrokes.

Code snippets can range from simple constructs like if statements or for loops to more complex structures like class definitions or function skeletons. By leveraging code snippets, you can:

  • Increase coding speed and consistency
  • Reduce typos and syntax errors
  • Maintain coding standards and best practices across your codebase

Many Python IDEs come with built-in snippet libraries, but you can also create and share your own custom snippets tailored to your specific coding workflows or project requirements.

Additionally, some Python IDEs offer advanced template functionality, allowing you to generate entire file structures or project skeletons based on predefined templates. This can be particularly useful when working with frameworks or adhering to specific project conventions.

By embracing these optimization tips and leveraging the powerful features offered by Python IDEs, you can significantly enhance your development workflow, boost productivity, and ultimately craft higher-quality, more maintainable Python code.

Python IDE Comparison Table

To help you make an informed decision, we’ve compiled a comprehensive comparison table that highlights the key features, pricing, and ratings of some of the most popular Python IDEs on the market. This table serves as a handy reference, allowing you to quickly assess and compare the capabilities of each python IDE to find the one that best aligns with your specific needs and requirements.

IDECode EditorDebuggerVersion ControlRefactoringTestingPluginsPricingUser Rating
PyCharmAdvancedIntegratedGit, Mercurial, SVNExtensiveUnit testing, doctestRich ecosystemProfessional: $199/year Community: Free4.8/5 (G2)
Visual Studio CodePowerfulBuilt-inGit, SVNBasicUnit testingExtensive marketplaceFree (Open Source)4.7/5 (G2)
Sublime TextHighly customizablePlugin-basedGit, SVN, MercurialLimitedPlugin-basedLarge package control$99 (one-time)4.6/5 (G2)
AtomHackableBasicGit, SVN, MercurialLimitedPlugin-basedLarge package libraryFree (Open Source)4.4/5 (G2)
SpyderScientific computingIntegratedGit, MercuriaBasicUnit testing, profilingScientific packagesFree (Open Source)4.5/5 (G2)
ThonnyBeginner-friendlyBasicLimitedBasicBasicLimitedFree (Open Source)4.7/5 (G2)
IDLEBasicBasicLimitedLimitedBasicLimitedFree (Bundled with Python)4.2/5 (G2)
EricLightweightIntegratedGit, SVNBasicUnit testingLimitedFree (Open Source)4.5/5 (G2)
PyzoScientific computingIntegratedLimitedBasicBasicLimitedFree (Open Source)4.4/5 (G2)
Wing IDEAdvancedIntegratedGit, SVN, MercurialExtensiveUnit testing, doctestCommercial pluginsProfessional: $245/year Personal: $145/year4.6/5 (G2)
Python IDEs

This table provides a high-level overview of the features offered by each Python IDE, including code editing capabilities, debugging tools, version control integration, refactoring support, testing frameworks, and plugin ecosystems. Additionally, it showcases pricing information (where applicable) and user ratings from reputable sources like G2, allowing you to gauge the overall satisfaction and feedback from the developer community.

When evaluating the options, consider your specific requirements, experience level, and development workflow. For instance, if you’re a beginner, an IDE like Thonny or IDLE might be an ideal starting point, offering a gentle learning curve and essential features. On the other hand, if you’re working on complex scientific computing projects, IDEs like Spyder or Pyzo, with their specialized tools for data analysis and visualization, might better suit your needs.

It’s worth noting that many of these Python IDEs, particularly the open-source options like Visual Studio Code and Atom, boast extensive plugin ecosystems, allowing you to extend their functionality and customize them to your liking.

Ultimately, the choice of a Python IDE is a personal one, and it’s highly recommended to explore and test out a few options to find the one that resonates best with your coding style and preferences.

Getting Started with Your New Python IDE

Getting Started with Your New Python IDE

Once you’ve carefully evaluated your needs and chosen the Python IDE that best suits your requirements, it’s time to set up your new development environment and dive into coding. Here are some essential steps to get you started:

Installation Guidelines (open source vs paid)

The installation process for your Python IDE may vary depending on whether you’ve opted for an open-source or a paid solution.

Open Source IDEs: Most open-source Python IDEs can be easily installed from their official websites or through package managers like pip or conda. For example, to install the popular Spyder IDE using pip, you can run the following command:

pip install spyder

Alternatively, you can download the installer directly from the project’s website and follow the guided installation process.

Paid IDEs: Paid Python IDEs, such as PyCharm, typically offer a straightforward installation process with a downloadable installer or an option to purchase and activate a license key. Many paid IDEs also provide free trials or community editions, allowing you to test the waters before committing to a purchase.

It’s important to note that some Python IDEs may have specific system requirements or dependencies, so be sure to review the installation instructions and ensure your system meets the necessary prerequisites.

Migration and Project Import

If you’re transitioning from an existing development environment or have existing Python projects, most IDEs offer seamless migration and project import capabilities. Here are a few common approaches:

  1. Import from Version Control Systems: Many Python IDEs support direct integration with popular version control systems like Git, Subversion, and Mercurial. If your existing projects are hosted on a remote repository, you can typically clone or checkout the project directly within your new IDE.
  2. Import from Local Directories: Most Python IDEs provide options to import existing projects from local directories on your file system. This can be as simple as navigating to the project folder and selecting the appropriate import or open option within the IDE.
  3. Project Migration Tools: Some Python IDEs offer dedicated migration tools or plugins to facilitate the transition from other development environments. For example, PyCharm provides a handy Project Import Wizard that can import projects from various sources, including other IDEs like Eclipse or Visual Studio.

During the migration process, it’s essential to pay attention to any project-specific configurations, dependencies, or environment settings to ensure a smooth transition and maintain project integrity.

Learning Resources (docs, tutorials, communities)

Regardless of your experience level, leveraging the available learning resources can greatly accelerate your mastery of a new Python IDE. Most IDEs offer a wealth of documentation, tutorials, and active communities to support your learning journey:

  1. Official Documentation: The official documentation provided by the IDE’s developers is a treasure trove of information. It typically covers installation guides, feature overviews, keyboard shortcuts, and detailed explanations of the IDE’s capabilities.
  2. Video Tutorials and Courses: Many IDEs have dedicated video tutorial series or online courses available, either free or paid. These resources can provide a structured learning path, walking you through the IDE’s features and best practices step-by-step.
  3. Community Forums and Q&A Sites: Active communities surrounding Python IDEs can be found on forums, Q&A sites like Stack Overflow, and dedicated discussion groups. These platforms offer invaluable support, allowing you to seek guidance, share experiences, and learn from fellow developers.
  4. Blog Posts and Articles: Developer blogs and online articles often provide insightful tips, tricks, and techniques for leveraging the full potential of your chosen Python IDE. These resources can help you stay up-to-date with the latest developments and best practices.
  5. Local Meetups and Conferences: Attending local meetups, user groups, or conferences related to Python and software development can provide opportunities to learn from experienced professionals, network with other developers, and gain hands-on knowledge through workshops or coding sessions.

By taking advantage of these learning resources, you can accelerate your proficiency with your new Python IDE, streamline your development workflow, and unlock new levels of productivity and efficiency.


Choosing the right Python IDE is an invaluable investment that can significantly impact your coding productivity, efficiency, and overall development experience. Whether you’re a seasoned Python developer or just embarking on your coding journey, finding the perfect IDE can streamline your workflow, enhance your coding capabilities, and ultimately elevate the quality of your projects.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ve explored a diverse array of Python IDEs, ranging from powerful open-source solutions like Eric, Pyzo, and Spyder to industry-leading paid options like PyCharm, Visual Studio Code, and Sublime Text. Each IDE offers its unique strengths, features, and target audiences, catering to the diverse needs of Python developers across various domains.

We encourage you to explore the different options presented in this guide, taking into consideration your specific requirements, experience level, and project types. Don’t hesitate to experiment with multiple Python IDEs to find the perfect fit that resonates with your coding style and preferences.

IDEOpen SourceStrengthsTarget Audience
EricYesLightweight, extensive documentation, cross-platformGeneral Python development, GUI development with Qt
PyzoYesInteractive computing, data visualization, clean UIScientific computing, data analysis, education
SpyderYesScientific libraries integration, advanced data toolsData scientists, researchers, scientific computing
PyCharmNoRobust features, excellent debugging, refactoringProfessional Python developers, web development
Visual Studio CodeFree + PaidCustomizable, extensive extensions, cross-platformGeneral-purpose coding, web development
Sublime TextNoLightweight, fast, powerful pluginsGeneral coding, text editing

Remember, the journey to mastering Python is an ongoing process, and your choice of Python IDE can significantly impact your productivity and coding experience. We invite you, our readers, to share your experiences, insights, and recommendations with the Python community, helping others navigate the ever-evolving landscape of Python development tools.

Embrace the power of Python IDEs, and embark on a transformative coding adventure where efficiency, productivity, and coding mastery converge. Unlock your full potential as a Python developer and embark on a path of continuous growth and innovation, armed with the perfect Python IDE tailored to your needs.


What is the difference between an IDE and a code editor?

An Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is a comprehensive software suite that combines multiple tools and utilities essential for software development, including a code editor, compiler or interpreter, debugger, and various other supporting features. A code editor, on the other hand, is a lighter-weight application that primarily serves as an interface for writing and editing code, with features such as syntax highlighting, code completion, and file management included.

While code editors are typically simpler and more lightweight, python IDEs offer a more robust and comprehensive set of tools tailored for specific programming languages or development workflows. Python IDEs aim to streamline the entire development process, from coding and debugging to building, testing, and deploying applications, all within a single integrated environment.

What are the top open-source Python IDEs?

Some of the top open-source Python IDEs in 2024 include:

  1. Eric – A lightweight and full-featured IDE with code completion, class browser, debugging tools, and Qt form preview.
  2. Pyzo – A Qt-based IDE with a focus on interactive computing, data analysis, and scientific applications.
  3. Spyder – A scientific Python development environment designed for researchers, scientists, and engineers working with data analysis and numerical computations.
  4. IDLE – The default Python IDE that comes bundled with Python installations, offering basic code editing and debugging capabilities.
  5. Geany – A lightweight and cross-platform IDE with support for various programming languages, including Python.

What are the key features of Eric, Pyzo, and Spyder?

  • Eric: Code completion, syntax highlighting, integrated class browser, code inspector, unit testing capabilities, powerful debugger, version control integration, and Qt form preview for GUI development.
  • Pyzo: Advanced code editor with syntax highlighting and code folding, built-in file browser and project overview, integrated console and debugger, support for inline plotting and data visualization, and extensive documentation and examples.
  • Spyder: Advanced code editor with syntax highlighting and code folding, interactive IPython console, integrated data viewer and variable explorer, support for inline plotting and data visualization, profiling, debugging, and code analysis tools, and seamless integration with popular scientific libraries like NumPy, SciPy, and Matplotlib.

What are some great paid Python IDEs?

Some popular paid Python IDEs include:

  1. PyCharm – A powerful and feature-rich IDE developed by JetBrains, offering intelligent code completion, refactoring tools, debugging capabilities, and support for various Python frameworks and libraries.
  2. Visual Studio Code – A free and open-source code editor developed by Microsoft, with extensive support for Python development through the Python extension and a vast ecosystem of plugins and extensions.
  3. Sublime Text – A highly customizable and powerful code editor with Python support, offering features like code completion, syntax highlighting, and a vast collection of plugins and extensions.
  4. Wing IDE – A professional Python IDE with advanced debugging capabilities, code navigation, and support for remote development, suitable for large-scale Python projects.
  5. PyDev (Eclipse Plugin) – A popular Python plugin for the Eclipse IDE, providing code completion, debugging, refactoring, and integration with various Python frameworks and tools.

How do I choose the right python IDE for my needs?

When selecting a Python IDE, consider the following factors:

  • Experience level: If you’re a beginner, opt for IDEs with a user-friendly interface and built-in tutorials, such as Thonny or IDLE. More experienced developers may prefer feature-rich IDEs like PyCharm or Visual Studio Code.
  • Project type: Different IDEs cater to different project types. For scientific computing or data analysis, Spyder or Pyzo might be the best choices. For web development or general-purpose programming, PyCharm or Visual Studio Code could be more suitable.
  • Required features: Evaluate the specific features you need, such as debugging tools, version control integration, code refactoring, or support for particular frameworks or libraries.
  • Performance and resource usage: Ensure the python IDE you choose can handle the complexity and scale of your projects without compromising performance or consuming excessive system resources.
  • Community support and resources: Consider the size and activity of the IDE’s community, as well as the availability of documentation, tutorials, and online resources.
  • Personal preferences: Ultimately, personal preferences and familiarity with an IDE can play a significant role in your productivity and workflow.

Can I use multiple python IDEs for Python development?

Yes, you can absolutely use multiple Python IDEs and code editors for different projects or tasks. Many developers prefer to have a variety of tools at their disposal, leveraging the strengths of each IDE or editor based on their specific needs.

For instance, you might use a lightweight code editor like Sublime Text or Visual Studio Code for quick code editing and small scripts, while leveraging a more robust IDE like PyCharm or Spyder for larger, more complex projects involving debugging, testing, or data analysis.

It’s not uncommon for developers to have a primary IDE for their day-to-day work and supplement it with other tools when necessary. The ability to use multiple IDEs allows developers to take advantage of the best features and capabilities of each tool, fostering a more flexible and productive development environment.

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