Pinterest Ads: Boosting Brand’s Visibility and Sales

Estimated read time 55 min read

Pinterest, often described as a visual discovery engine, has become a powerhouse in the world of social media marketing. With its unique blend of inspiration, planning, and shopping, Pinterest offers a distinctive platform for businesses to connect with their target audience. But what exactly is Pinterest, and how can Pinterest ads benefit your brand?

Pinterest Ads: Boosting Brand's Visibility and Sales

Pinterest is a visual social media platform where users, known as “Pinners,” can discover, save, and share ideas through images and videos called “Pins.” These Pins are organized on virtual boards, creating a personalized collection of inspirations, plans, and products. Unlike other social media platforms that focus on real-time updates or personal connections, Pinterest is primarily used for future planning and idea discovery.

According to recent statistics, Pinterest boasts over 450 million monthly active users worldwide, with a significant portion of users actively seeking products and services to purchase. Pinterest’s distinct user behavior makes it an attractive platform for businesses seeking to promote their products and services to an interested audience.

What is Pinterest ads?

What is Pinterest ads?

Pinterest ads, also known as Pinterest Ads, is a pay-for-placement system that allows businesses to promote their Pins to a wider audience on the platform. These promoted Pins appear seamlessly in users’ home feeds, search results, and related Pin sections, blending in with organic content while being clearly labeled as sponsored.

Pinterest Ads come in various formats, including:

  • Promoted Pins
  • Shopping Ads
  • Video Ads
  • Carousel Ads
  • Collection Ads
  • Try On Product Pins

Each of these ad types offers unique benefits and can be tailored to suit different campaign objectives and target audiences.

Why use Pinterest for advertising?

Why use Pinterest for advertising?

Pinterest offers several compelling reasons for businesses to include it in their digital marketing strategy:

  1. High purchase intent: Pinterest users are often in a planning mindset, actively seeking ideas and products to buy. This makes them more receptive to branded content and advertisements.
  2. Long-lasting content: Unlike other social media platforms where content quickly disappears from feeds, Pins can continue to drive traffic and engagement long after they’re first posted.
  3. Visual appeal: The platform’s focus on high-quality visuals allows brands to showcase their products in an attractive and inspiring context.
  4. Diverse audience: While Pinterest has traditionally been popular among women, it’s increasingly attracting a more diverse user base, including men and younger demographics.
  5. Lower competition: Compared to platforms like Facebook and Instagram, Pinterest often offers lower advertising costs and less competition for user attention.

Key statistics on Pinterest user base and engagement

Key statistics on Pinterest user base and engagement

To understand the potential of Pinterest advertising, consider these impressive statistics:

  • According to 85% of Pinners, Pinterest inspires them to start new initiatives.
  • A new brand or product has been found on Pinterest by 80% of weekly Pinners.
  • Pinterest reaches 83% of women aged 25-54 in the US
  • 60% of Pinterest’s global audience is female
  • 40% of Pinterest users earn $100,000 or more annually as a household.
  • Pinterest users spend an average of 14.2 minutes per visit.

Source: Pinterest Business

These statistics highlight the engaged and purchase-ready nature of Pinterest’s user base, making it an attractive platform for advertisers across various industries.

In the next section, we’ll delve deeper into the specific benefits of Pinterest ads and how it can drive meaningful results for your business.

Benefits of Pinterest Ads

Benefits of Pinterest Ads

Pinterest offers a unique advertising platform that can be incredibly valuable for businesses of all sizes. Let’s dive into the key benefits that make Pinterest ads stand out from other digital marketing channels.

High conversion rates and profitability

Pinterest users are typically in a discovery mindset, searching for new ideas and products.This translates to impressive conversion rates:

  • 87% of Pinners said they used Pinterest to find a product to buy.
  • Pinterest ads drive 3x more efficient cost-per-conversion compared to ads on other social media platforms
  • 80% of weekly Pinterest users have discovered a new brand or product on the network.

These statistics highlight the platform’s ability to not just attract attention, but to drive actual purchases.

Cost-effectiveness compared to other platforms

While costs can vary depending on your industry and targeting, Pinterest ads often offer a more budget-friendly option:

  • The average cost-per-click (CPC) on Pinterest ranges from $0.10 to $1.50
  • Pinterest’s cost-per-mille (CPM) averages between $2.00 to $5.00

Compared to platforms like Facebook or Instagram, these rates can represent significant savings, especially for smaller businesses or those just starting with digital advertising.

Receptive user base focused on discovery and planning purchases

Pinterest’s user base is uniquely positioned for advertisers:

  • 97% of top Pinterest searches are unbranded, meaning users are open to discovering new brands
  • 83% of weekly Pinterest users made a purchase after seeing brand content on the network.
  • Users often start planning purchases months in advance, giving advertisers a longer window to influence decisions

This receptive audience mindset creates an ideal environment for introducing new products or services.

Opportunities for smaller brands

Pinterest levels the playing ground for smaller brands; 

  • 60% of Pinterest users say they’ve discovered new brands or products via Promoted Pins
  • The platform’s visual nature allows smaller brands to compete based on creative content, not just ad spend
  • Pinterest’s targeting options enable niche brands to reach highly specific audiences

For startups and small businesses, this presents a valuable opportunity to gain visibility alongside larger competitors.

Higher return on ad spend (ROAS)

Pinterest ads often deliver impressive returns:

  • Advertisers get $2 for every $1 they invest in Pinterest ads.
  • Pinterest generates 33% more referral traffic to commerce websites than Facebook.
  • The average order value from Pinterest is $50, higher than most social media platforms

These figures underscore the platform’s ability to not just drive traffic, but to generate meaningful revenue for advertisers.

Visual nature of the platform

Pinterest’s image-centric design offers unique advantages:

  • 85% of Pinners say visual content is most important when shopping for products
  • Pins with high-quality images see 6x more engagement than those without
  • Video Pins can increase purchase intent by 67%

Pinterest is an excellent platform for brands to display their visually appealing items or services.

High engagement rates

Pinterest users are highly engaged with content on the platform:

  • The average Pinterest user spends 14.2 minutes per visit on the platform
  • Pins have an average half-life of 3.5 months, compared to 24 minutes for a tweet and 90 minutes for a Facebook post
  • 75% of Pinterest traffic comes from mobile devices, which is consistent with modern surfing trends.

This sustained engagement means your ads have a longer lifespan and more opportunities to reach your target audience.

In conclusion, Pinterest’s unique combination of visual appeal, user intent, and cost-effectiveness makes it a powerful advertising platform. Whether you’re a small business looking to grow or an established brand seeking to expand your reach, Pinterest ads offer compelling benefits that are worth exploring.

Read also : Pinterest Ads Cost: Guide to Cost-Effective Success

Understanding Pinterest’s Ads Platform

Understanding Pinterest's Ads Platform

Pinterest provides a variety of advertising solutions to help businesses reach their target audience successfully. Let’s dive into the various types of ads, formats, specifications, and targeting options available on this unique visual discovery platform.

Types of Pinterest Ads

  1. Promoted Pins: Promoted Pins are the backbone of Pinterest ads. These are standard Pins that advertisers pay to appear in relevant search results and feeds. They effortlessly integrate into organic content, making them less invasive and more engaging for users.
  2. Shopping Ads : Shopping ads are created exclusively for e-commerce enterprises. They showcase your products with pricing, availability, and other relevant information. These ads link directly to your product pages, making it easy for users to purchase.
  3. Video Ads : Video Ads allow brands to tell their story in a more dynamic way. These can be up to 15 minutes long, although shorter videos (6-15 seconds) tend to perform better. Video Ads auto-play silently as users scroll through their feed.
  4. Carousel Ads : Carousel Ads enable advertisers to showcase multiple images or videos in a single ad. Users can choose from up to five photos, each having its own title, description, and link.
  5. Collection Ads : Collection Ads feature a main asset (image or video) with several product Pins below it. This format is excellent for showcasing a range of products related to a central theme or campaign.
  6. Try On Product Pins : These innovative ads use augmented reality (AR) to allow users to virtually try on products like lipstick, eyeshadow, or even furniture in their space.
  7. Idea Pins (story pins):  Idea Pins are multi-page formats that enable brands to deliver inspirational and how-to material. They’re great for tutorials, recipes, or showcasing product use cases.
  8. Promoted App : Promoted App Pins are intended to drive app installations. They appear in users’ home feeds and search results, linking directly to the app store for easy downloads.
  9. Product Rich : Pins Product Rich Pins automatically sync information from your website to your Pins. They offer real-time pricing, availability, and product purchasing information.
  10. Dynamic Retargeting : Campaigns These campaigns allow you to show personalized ads to users based on their previous interactions with your website or app.

Pinterest Ads Formats and Specifications

Pinterest ads come in various formats, each with its own specifications. Here’s a quick overview:

Ad TypeImage RatioFile TypeMax File Size
Standard Pin2:3PNG, JPEG20MB
Video Pin1:1, 2:3, 9:16MP4, MOV, M4V2GB
Carousel Pin1:1 or 2:3PNG, JPEG32MB per image
Collection Pin1:1 main assetPNG, JPEG, MP420MB for image, 2GB for video

Pinterest Ads Sizes

Pinterest recommends the following sizes for optimal display:

  • Standard Pins: 1000 x 1500 pixels
  • Square Pins: 1000 x 1000 pixels
  • Video Pins: 1080 x 1920 pixels (9:16 ratio)

Targeting Options for Pinterest Ads

Pinterest provides a variety of targeting options to help you reach the correct audience.

  1. Interests: Target users based on topics they engage with on Pinterest.
  2. Keywords: Reach users based on their search queries.
  3. Audiences: Target based on engagement, customer lists, or website visitors.
  4. Demographics: Target based on device, location, gender, or age.
  5. Actalike Audiences: Reach out to users who are similar to your present consumers.

The Pinterest Taste Graph

The Pinterest Taste Graph is a sophisticated targeting tool that goes beyond basic demographics and interests. It analyses user behavior to understand evolving tastes and preferences, allowing for more nuanced targeting.

Key features of the Taste Graph include:

  • Over 5,000 interests for granular targeting
  • Real-time updates based on user behavior
  • Ability to reach niche audiences
  • Improved ad relevance and performance

By leveraging the Taste Graph, advertisers can create highly targeted campaigns that resonate with their audience’s specific interests and intentions.

Understanding these various elements of Pinterest’s advertising platform is crucial for creating effective campaigns. In the next section, we’ll explore how to set up your Pinterest Ads account and start creating your first campaign.

Remember, the key to success on Pinterest is creating visually appealing, valuable content that seamlessly integrates with users’ discovery process. By understanding and effectively utilizing these ad types and targeting options, you can create campaigns that not only reach your target audience but also inspire them to engage with your brand.

Pinterest Ads Campaign Objectives

Pinterest Ads Campaign Objectives

When setting up a Pinterest ads campaign, you’ll need to choose an objective that aligns with your marketing goals. Pinterest provides many campaign objectives, each of which is intended to assist you achieve specific goals.Let’s dive into these objectives and explore how they can benefit your business.

Brand Awareness

The brand awareness goal is ideal for:

  • Introduce your brand to a new audience
  • Increase visibility for your products or services
  • Create a lasting impression on potential customers

With this objective, Pinterest optimises your ad delivery to reach as many people as possible within your target audience. Your ads will be shown to users who are likely to be interested in your content, helping to build recognition and recall for your brand.

Pro tip: To make a good first impression, use attention-grabbing graphics and clear, concise messaging.

Video Views

If you’ve got compelling video content, the video views objective is your go-to. This objective is perfect for:

  • Showcasing product demonstrations
  • Sharing brand stories or behind-the-scenes content
  • Explaining complex concepts in an engaging way

Pinterest will prioritise showing your video ads to users who are more likely to watch them, helping you maximise your video views and engagement.

Key stats: Pinterest users are 2.6x more likely to make a purchase after viewing brand video content on the platform compared to videos on social media [source: Pinterest internal data, 2023].

Consideration (Clicks)

The consideration objective, often known as traffic, is to create clicks to your website or app. It’s ideal for:

  • Increasing website traffic
  • Promoting blog posts or articles
  • Driving users to specific landing pages

With this objective, Pinterest optimises for users who are more likely to click through to your site, helping you generate qualified leads and potential customers.

PlatformAverage CTR
Comparison of Click-Through Rates (CTR)

Source: Wordstream, 2023


The conversions objective is perfect when you want users to take specific actions on your website, such as:

  • Making a purchase
  • Signing up for a newsletter
  • Downloading an app or ebook

Pinterest uses machine learning to show your ads to users who are most likely to complete your desired conversion action, helping you maximise your return on ad spend (ROAS).

Pro tip: To maximize the traffic from your Pinterest adverts, make sure your landing pages are conversion-optimized and give a seamless user experience.

Catalog Sales

If you’re an e-commerce business with a product catalogue, the catalog sales objective is tailor-made for you. This objective allows you to:

  • Showcase your entire product range
  • Automatically create ads from your product feed
  • Drive sales directly from Pinterest

With catalog sales, Pinterest creates dynamic Product Pins that update in real-time based on your inventory and pricing, ensuring users always see accurate information.

Key benefit: Pinterest users have 30% higher average order values than users on other social platforms [source: Shopify, 2023].

Remember, selecting the proper aim is critical to the success of your Pinterest marketing campaign. Consider your overall marketing goals, target audience, and the type of content you’re promoting when selecting your objective. By aligning your campaign objective with your business goals, you’ll be well on your way to creating effective and impactful Pinterest ads.

Read also:Elevate Your Brand with Pinterest: Pinning Success

Setting Up Your Pinterest Ads Account

Setting Up Your Pinterest Ads Account

Getting started with Pinterest Ads is a straightforward process. Here’s how to set up your account and lay the groundwork for successful campaigns:

Creating a business account on Pinterest

  1. Go to the Pinterest business account creation page (
  2. Click “Create account” and follow the prompts to establish your profile.
  3. Fill in your business details, including your company name, website, and industry.
  4. Choose your country and language preferences.
  5. Agree to the Pinterest terms of service and click “Create account”.

Pro tip: If you already have a personal Pinterest account, you can easily convert it to a business account by following these steps:

  1. Log in to your personal account.
  2. Click on the three dots in the upper right corner and choose “Add a free business account”.
  3. To finish your business profile, adhere to the instructions.

Verifying your website

Verifying your website is crucial for building trust with Pinterest and unlocking additional features. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Log in to your Pinterest business account.
  2. To access your settings, click the three dots in the upper-right corner.
  3. Select “Claim” from the left-hand menu.
  4. Press the “Claim your website” button after inputting your URL.
  5. Choose your preferred verification method:
    • Include a meta element in your website’s HTML.
    • Upload an HTML file to your web server
    • Insert a TXT record into your domain’s DNS settings.

Follow the instructions provided by Pinterest for your chosen method. Once verified, you’ll see a checkmark next to your website in your account settings.

Setting up Pinterest Tag for tracking

The Pinterest Tag is vital for measuring conversions and growing audiences. Here’s how to set it up:

  1. In your Pinterest business account, go to Ads > Conversions.
  2. Choose the option “Create Pinterest tag” and give your tag a name.
  3. Choose your installation method:
    • Manual installation: Copy the tag code and insert it into the HTML of your webpage.
    • Tag manager: Use Google Tag Manager or another supported platform
    • Partner integration: Connect through platforms like Shopify or WooCommerce
  4. Set up event tracking:
    • Page visit
    • Add to cart
    • Checkout
    • Sign up
    • Lead
    • Custom event
  5. Install the tag on your website using your chosen method.
  6. Use the Pinterest Tag Helper Chrome extension to verify proper installation.
Event TypeDescription
Page VisitTracks when a user accesses a particular page.
Add to CartRecords the moment a consumer adds a product to their cart.
CheckoutTracks when a user completes a purchase
Sign UpTracks when a user creates an account or subscribes
LeadTracks when a user submits contact information
Custom EventTracks any other specific action you define
Pinterest Tag Event Types

By properly setting up your Pinterest Ads account, verifying your website, and implementing the Pinterest Tag, you’ll be well-positioned to create effective ad campaigns and accurately measure their performance.

Remember, a well-configured account is the foundation of successful Pinterest ads. Take the time to set everything up correctly, and you’ll reap the benefits in your future campaigns.

Creating Effective Pinterest Ads Campaigns

Creating Effective Pinterest Ads Campaigns

When it comes to crafting successful Pinterest ads campaigns, it’s crucial to understand the platform’s unique features and user behavior. Let’s dive into the key elements that’ll help you create eye-catching, engaging, and effective Pinterest ads.

Choosing the right ad format for your goals

Pinterest offers various ad formats, each suited to different campaign objectives. Here’s a quick rundown:

  1. Standard Pins: Ideal for brand awareness and driving traffic
  2. Video Pins: Great for storytelling and product demonstrations
  3. Carousel Ads: Ideal for demonstrating numerous items or features.
  4. Shopping Ads: Designed to drive direct sales
  5. Collection Ads: Combine a hero image with product details
  6. Try On Product Pins: Excellent for beauty and fashion brands

Pro tip: Align your ad format with your campaign goals. For instance, if you’re launching a new product line, Carousel Ads might be your best bet.

Creating visually appealing Pin designs

Because Pinterest is a visual network, the appearance of your ad is important. Here are some best practices:

  • Use high-quality, crisp images
  • Opt for vertical images with a 2:3 aspect ratio (1000 x 1500 pixels)
  • Incorporate your brand colours subtly
  • Use text overlays sparingly (less than 20% of the image)
  • Showcase your product or service in action

Remember, Pinterest users are often in ‘discovery mode’, so make your visuals intriguing and scroll-stopping.

Writing compelling ad copy

Your ad copy should complement your visuals and entice users to take action. Here’s how to nail it:

  1. Keep it concise: Pinterest recommends 100-200 characters for descriptions
  2. Front-load important information
  3. Include a clear call-to-action (CTA)
  4. Use a conversational, friendly tone
  5. Highlight unique selling points or time-sensitive offers

Example: “Discover our eco-friendly yoga mats. 🌿 Grippy, durable, and kind to the planet. Shop now and get 15% off!”

Using keywords in your Pinterest Ads

Keywords play a crucial role in getting your ads in front of the right audience. Here’s how to leverage them:

  • Use Pinterest’s Keyword Tool to find relevant search terms
  • Include keywords naturally in your Pin titles and descriptions
  • Create keyword-rich boards to house your Pins
  • Use hashtags sparingly (2-5 per Pin)

Pro tip: Think like your target audience. What terms would they use to search for products or services like yours?

Creating Boards, Pins, and Promoted Pins

Organizing your content effectively is key to Pinterest success:

  1. Create themed boards that align with your products or services
  2. Pin consistently to keep your boards fresh
  3. Use a combination of your own material and others’ repins.
  4. Create Promoted Pins from your best-performing organic Pins

Remember, Promoted Pins should blend seamlessly with organic content for the best user experience.

Optimizing images for Pinterest ads

To ensure your Pins look great and load quickly:

  • Use the recommended image sizes for each ad format
  • Compress images without losing quality (try tools like TinyPNG)
  • For SEO purposes, use alt text and descriptive file names.
  • Experiment with several image types, such as lifestyle images versus product close-ups.

Utilizing Rich Pins

Rich Pins are a powerful tool for providing more context directly on Pinterest. There are four types:

  1. Product Pins: Provide the current price, availability, and store location.
  2. Recipe Pins: Display ingredients, cooking times, and servings
  3. Article Pins: Show headline, author, and story description
  4. App Pins: Include an install button for easy app downloads

To use Rich Pins, you’ll need to apply and be approved by Pinterest. It’s worth the effort, as they can significantly boost engagement and conversions.

Rich Pin TypeKey FeaturesMain Benefit
ProductReal-time pricing, availabilityDrives sales
RecipeIngredients, cooking timeIncreases saves and tries
ArticleHeadline, author, descriptionBoosts traffic to your site
AppInstall buttonIncreases app downloads
Rich Pin Types and Their Benefits

By focusing on these elements, you’ll be well on your way to creating Pinterest ads campaigns that not only look great but also deliver results. Remember, the key is to provide value to Pinterest users while subtly promoting your brand. Happy Pinning!

Pinterest Ads Targeting Strategies

Pinterest Ads Targeting Strategies

Pinterest offers a robust set of targeting options to help advertisers reach their ideal audience. Let’s dive into the various strategies you can employ to maximize the effectiveness of your Pinterest ads.

Audience targeting options (demographics, keywords, interests)

Pinterest provides several ways to target your ads:

  1. Demographics:
    • Age
    • Gender
    • Location (country, state, metro area)
    • Language
  2. Keywords:
    • Target users based on their search queries
    • Use broad match, phrase match, or exact match
    • Negative keywords to exclude irrelevant searches
  3. Interests:
    • Choose from over 5,000 interests in the Pinterest Taste Graph
    • Examples include “healthy recipes,” “home decor,” “travel destinations”

Pro tip: Combine these targeting options for more precise audience targeting. For instance, target women aged 25-34 in Australia interested in “sustainable fashion.”

Retargeting on Pinterest

Retargeting allows you to reach users who’ve previously interacted with your brand. Here’s how to set it up:

  1. Install the Pinterest Tag on your website
  2. Create audience lists based on:
    • Website visitors
    • Specific page visitors
    • Cart abandoners
    • Newsletter subscribers

Remember: Keep your retargeting lists fresh by setting a reasonable duration (e.g., 30-90 days) for audience membership.

Creating and using Pinterest Act-Alike audiences

Act-Alike audiences (Pinterest’s version of lookalike audiences) help you reach new users similar to your existing customers.

How to create an Act-Alike audience:

  1. Start with a source audience (e.g., website visitors, customer list)
  2. Choose the size of your Act-Alike audience (1-10% of the total Pinterest user base)
  3. Select your target country

Pro tip: Test different source audiences to find the best-performing Act-Alike audience for your campaigns.

Leveraging the Pinterest Taste Graph for niche targeting

The Pinterest Taste Graph is a powerful tool for reaching highly specific audiences. Here’s how to make the most of it:

  1. Explore niche interests: Dig deep into the 5,000+ available interests to find hyper-relevant categories for your brand.
  2. Combine interests: Create unique audience segments by combining multiple interests.
  3. Use the “Expanded” targeting option: This allows Pinterest to show your ads to users with interests similar to your chosen ones, potentially increasing your reach.
  4. Monitor performance: Keep an eye on which interests drive the best results and adjust your targeting accordingly.
Broad InterestNiche Interests
CookingVegan baking, Sous vide cooking, Keto meal prep
FitnessHIIT workouts, Yoga for beginners, Powerlifting
TravelSolo female travel, Eco-friendly hotels, Adventure photography
Pinterest Taste Graph Interest Examples

By leveraging these targeting strategies, you can ensure your Pinterest ads reach the right audience at the right time, maximizing your campaign’s effectiveness and ROI.

Remember, the key to successful Pinterest ads is continuous testing and optimization. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different targeting combinations to find what works best for your brand and objectives.

Pinterest Ads Bidding and Budgeting

Pinterest Ads Bidding and Budgeting

Pinterest’s advertising platform operates on an auction-based system, similar to other social media platforms. Understanding how this system works and implementing effective bidding strategies can help you maximize your ad spend and achieve better results. Let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of Pinterest’s bidding and budgeting.

Understanding Pinterest’s auction system

Pinterest uses a second-price auction model, which means you’ll pay just slightly more than the next highest bidder for ad placement. This system aims to ensure advertisers pay a fair market price for their ad impressions.

Key factors influencing ad placement:

  • Bid amount
  • Ad quality and relevance
  • Engagement rate
  • Target audience alignment

It’s important to keep in mind that the highest offer isn’t always accepted. Pinterest’s algorithm also considers the overall user experience, so relevance and quality play significant roles.

Pinterest bidding methods

Pinterest offers three primary bidding methods:

  1. Automatic bidding: Pinterest sets bids automatically to get the most results for your budget.
  2. Maximum bid: You set the highest amount you’re willing to pay for a click, impression, or engagement.
  3. Target cost: You specify an average cost you’d like to pay for a result, and Pinterest aims to achieve that target.
Bidding MethodBest ForProsCons
AutomaticBeginners, those unsure about optimal bid amountsSimplifies process, optimizes spendLess control over costs
Maximum bidExperienced advertisers, specific budget constraintsFull control over max spendRequires ongoing monitoring and adjustments
Target costAdvertisers with specific CPA goalsHelps maintain consistent costsMay limit reach if target is too low

Choosing the right bidding strategy

Selecting the optimal bidding strategy depends on your campaign objectives and level of experience with Pinterest ads. Here are some guidelines:

  • For brand awareness: Consider using automatic bidding to maximize reach.
  • For conversions: Use maximum bid or target cost to control your cost per acquisition (CPA).
  • For traffic: Start with automatic bidding, then switch to maximum bid once you have performance data.

Pro tip: Always start with a higher bid than you think you’ll need. You can always lower it later, but starting too low might limit your ad’s visibility.

Setting and managing your budget

Pinterest offers two budget types:

  1. Daily budget: Sets a maximum daily spending limit.
  2. Lifetime budget: Sets a total amount to spend over the entire campaign duration

When setting your budget:

  • Begin small and grow up according to performance.
  • Consider seasonality and peak shopping periods
  • Allocate more budget to your best-performing campaigns
  • Regularly review and adjust your budget based on results

Remember, consistency is key. It’s better to have a smaller, steady budget than to start big and stop abruptly.

Average costs of Pinterest ads

The cost of Pinterest ads can vary widely depending on factors like your industry, target audience, and competition. However, here are some average charges to give you a ballpark estimate:

  • Average cost-per-click (CPC): $0.10 – $1.50
  • Average cost-per-mille (CPM): $2.00 – $5.00

Keep in mind that these are just averages. Your actual costs could be greater or lower. According to a study by AdEspresso, the average CPC for Pinterest ads in 2023 was $1.50, but this can fluctuate based on various factors.

Pro tip: Use Pinterest’s forecasting tool to estimate potential reach and costs before launching your campaign.

By understanding Pinterest’s auction system, choosing the right bidding method, and carefully managing your budget, you can create cost-effective campaigns that deliver results. Remember to continually monitor and optimize your campaigns for the best performance.

Measuring and Optimizing Pinterest Ads Performance

Measuring and Optimizing Pinterest Ads Performance

In today’s fast-paced world of digital advertising, measuring and adjusting your Pinterest ads performance is critical to success. Let’s dive into the key aspects of tracking, analyzing, and improving your campaigns.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

To gauge the effectiveness of your Pinterest ads, focus on these essential KPIs:

  1. Impressions: The number of times your Pin was shown
  2. Engagement rate: (Saves + Clicks) / Impressions
  3. Click-through rate (CTR): Clicks / Impressions
  4. Conversion rate: Conversions / Clicks
  5. Cost per click (CPC): Total spend / Clicks
  6. Return on ad spend (ROAS): Revenue / Total spend

Pro tip: Create a custom dashboard to track these KPIs in real-time. This allows you to swiftly discover trends and make data-driven decisions.

Using Pinterest Analytics

Pinterest Analytics is a powerful tool for understanding your ad performance. Here’s how to make the best of it:

  1. Access Pinterest Analytics: Log in to your Pinterest business account and select “Analytics” in the upper-left corner.
  2. Explore key metrics:
    • Profile: Overview of your account’s performance
    • People you reach: Demographics and interests of your audience
    • Website: Traffic and conversions from your Pins (requires verified website)
  3. Use the “Ads” tab to dive deeper into your campaign performance:
    • Compare different campaigns and ad groups
    • Analyze performance by device, placement, and targeting

Remember: Pinterest Analytics data is updated daily, so check in regularly to stay on top of your campaign performance.

A/B Testing Your Pinterest Ads

A/B testing is crucial for optimizing your Pinterest ads. Here’s a simple process to follow:

  1. Choose one variable to test (e.g., image, headline, description)
  2. Create two versions of your ad, changing only the chosen variable
  3. Run both ads simultaneously with equal budgets
  4. Analyze the results after gathering sufficient data (at least 1-2 weeks)
  5. Implement the winning version and repeat the process with a new variable
Element to TestVersion AVersion B
ImageProduct-focusedLifestyle image
DescriptionShort and conciseDetailed with keywords
CTA“Shop Now”“Learn More”
Pin formatStandard PinVideo Pin
A/B Testing Ideas for Pinterest Ads

Optimizing Campaigns for Better Results

To consistently increase your Pinterest ads performance, apply these optimization strategies:

  1. Refine your targeting:
    • Use the Pinterest Taste Graph to target niche interests
    • Experiment with different audience segments
  2. Adjust your bidding strategy:
    • Start with automatic bidding to gather data
    • Switch to manual bidding once you understand your optimal CPC
  3. Refresh your creative:
    • Update images and copy regularly to prevent ad fatigue
    • Align your content with seasonal trends
  4. Leverage top-performing Pins:
    • Identify organic Pins with high engagement
    • Promote these Pins to amplify their reach
  5. Optimize for mobile:
    • Ensure your Pins look great on mobile devices
    • Use vertical images (2:3 aspect ratio) for better visibility

Analyzing Post-Click Landing Page Performance

Your ad’s journey doesn’t end with a click. Improve your landing pages to get the most conversions possible:

  1. Use Pinterest Tag to track post-click behavior:
    • Set up event tracking for key actions (e.g., add to cart, purchase)
    • Create custom audiences based on site behavior
  2. Analyze landing page metrics:
    • Bounce rate
    • Time on page
    • Conversion rate
  3. Ensure landing page consistency:
    • Match the messaging and visuals of your Pin
    • Provide a clear and relevant call-to-action
  4. Optimize page load speed:
    • Compress images
    • Minimize HTTP requests
    • Use a content delivery network (CDN)

Pro tip: Use tools like Google Analytics and Hotjar to gain deeper insights into user behavior on your landing pages.

By consistently measuring and optimizing your Pinterest ad performance, you’ll be well-equipped to maximize your ROI and achieve your marketing goals. Remember that success on Pinterest is a continuous process of experimenting, learning, and refining your strategy.

For more insights on Pinterest ads, check out the official Pinterest for Business blog:

Pinterest Ads Best Practices: The Do’s

Pinterest Ads Best Practices: The Do's

When crafting your Pinterest ads campaigns, following these best practices can significantly boost your success:

Utilize high-quality, eye-catching visuals

Pinterest is a visual platform, therefore your photographs must sparkle. Here’s how:

  • Use high-resolution images (at least 1000 x 1500 pixels)
  • Choose vertical photos with a 2:3 aspect ratio.
  • Make sure your graphics are clear, crisp, and well-lit.
  • Use vibrant colours that pop on the feed
  • Avoid cluttered images; keep them simple and focused

Pro tip: Use tools like Canva or Adobe Spark to create visually appealing Pins.

Create seasonal and trending content

Seasonality plays a big role on Pinterest. Users often search for ideas months in advance of holidays or events. Capitalize on this by:

  • Planning your content calendar around major holidays and seasons
  • Creating Pins for trending topics in your niche
  • Using Pinterest Trends to identify popular search terms
  • Updating evergreen content with seasonal twists

Example: A recipe blog might create Pins for “Spooky Halloween Treats” in August or “Valentine’s Day Cocktails” in January.

Leverage user-generated content

User-generated content (UGC) can lend authenticity to your brand and increase engagement. Try these tactics:

  • Encourage customers to upload images of your product in use.
  • Create a branded hashtag so users may tag their material.
  • Feature UGC in your Pins, giving credit to the original creator
  • Run contests to encourage users to produce and share content.

Collaborate with influencers

Influencer marketing can extend your reach on Pinterest. Here’s how to do it effectively:

  • Partner with influencers whose aesthetics coincide with your business.
  • Co-create Pins or boards with influencers
  • Ask influencers to create and share Pins featuring your products
  • Use the “Paid Partnership” function to reveal sponsored content.

Maintain brand consistency

Consistency helps users recognize and remember your brand. Ensure:

  • Your Pins reflect your brand’s visual identity (colours, fonts, logo)
  • Your tone and messaging are consistent across all Pins
  • You use a consistent naming convention for your boards
  • Your profile is complete with a recognizable profile picture and cover image

Use relevant keywords and hashtags

Improve your Pins’ discoverability with smart keyword usage:

  • Make sure your Pin descriptions and titles contain pertinent keywords.
  • Use long-tail keywords for more specific targeting
  • Add 2-3 relevant hashtags to each Pin
  • Utilize Pinterest’s guided search for keyword ideas

Tool suggestion: Try’s Pinterest keyword tool for research.

Engage with your audience regularly

Build a community around your brand on Pinterest:

  • Respond to comments on your Pins promptly
  • Like and save Pins from your followers
  • Create group boards and invite followers to contribute
  • Share user-created Pins that feature your products

Optimize for mobile users

With 85% of Pinners using the mobile app, mobile optimization is crucial:

  • Ensure your Pins look good on small screens
  • Use legible fonts and text sizes
  • Test your landing pages on mobile devices
  • Keep your Pin descriptions concise for mobile viewing

Post at peak times

Timing can impact your Pins’ performance. Consider:

  • Using Pinterest Analytics to identify when your audience is most active
  • Scheduling Pins for evenings and weekends when many users browse
  • Posting seasonal content 30-45 days in advance
  • Maintaining a consistent posting schedule

Tool recommendation: Try Tailwind for automated Pin scheduling.

Include compelling calls-to-action (CTAs)

With unambiguous CTAs, users can be directed to the following steps:

  • Use actionable language (e.g., “Shop now,” “Learn more,” “Try this recipe”).
  • Make your call to action (CTR) visually stand out in your Pin.
  • Make sure your CTA is in line with the aim of your campaign.
  • A/B test different CTAs to see what resonates with your audience

Remember, the key to Pinterest ads success is to provide value to your audience while aligning with your brand goals. By following these best practices, you’ll be well on your way to creating engaging, effective Pinterest ad campaigns.

Read also : Pinterest SEO Demystified: Roadmap for Success

Pinterest Ads Mistakes to Avoid: The Don’ts

Pinterest Ads Mistakes to Avoid: The Don'ts

While Pinterest offers a fantastic platform for advertising, it’s easy to stumble into common pitfalls. Let’s look at the main pitfalls to avoid while creating your Pinterest ads campaigns:

Using poor quality or irrelevant visuals

Pinterest is a visual platform, and your images are your first impression. Avoid these visual faux pas:

  • Low-resolution or blurry images
  • Stock photos that look inauthentic
  • Visuals that are not consistent with your brand or message
  • Overcrowded or cluttered designs

Pro tip: Invest in high-quality, eye-catching visuals that represent your brand well. Hire a professional photographer or graphic designer if necessary.

Neglecting mobile optimization

With 78% of Pinterest users accessing the platform via mobile, mobile optimization is crucial. Don’t make these mobile mistakes:

  • Use text that is too small to view on mobile displays.
  • Creating pins that don’t display well on vertical mobile screens
  • Neglecting to test your pins on various mobile devices

Quick fix: Always preview your pins on mobile devices before publishing. Ensure text is legible and images are clear on smaller screens.

Inconsistent branding across Pins

Consistency builds brand recognition. Avoid these branding blunders:

  • Using different color schemes or fonts across pins
  • Inconsistent logo placement or size
  • Varying tone of voice in pin descriptions

Branding checklist:

  •  Consistent color palette
  •  Uniform font usage
  •  Standardized logo placement
  •  Cohesive tone of voice

Ignoring Pinterest’s guidelines

Pinterest has specific rules for advertisers. Don’t risk account suspension by:

  • Using prohibited content (e.g., explicit material, harmful products)
  • Misrepresenting your brand or products
  • Violating copyright or trademark laws
  • Using deceptive practices or clickbait

Stay safe: Familiarize yourself with Pinterest’s advertising guidelines and review them regularly.

Overusing text in images

While text can enhance your pins, too much can be counterproductive. Steer clear of:

  • Cluttering images with excessive text
  • Using hard-to-read fonts or colors
  • Using text alone to deliver your message.

Rule of thumb: Aim for a 20% text to 80% image ratio in your pins.

Hard-selling tactics

Pinterest users are in discovery mode, not necessarily ready to buy. Avoid alienating them with:

  • Overly aggressive sales language
  • Constantly pushing products without providing value
  • Using clickbait titles or misleading information

Instead: Focus on inspiring and educating your audience. Soft-sell by showcasing your products in context or solving problems.

Ignoring analytics and performance data

Data is your friend in optimizing campaigns. Don’t make these data mistakes:

  • Failing to set up Pinterest analytics
  • Not tracking key performance indicators (KPIs)
  • Ignoring trends or patterns in your data
  • Failing to A/B test your pins

Data-driven success:

  1. Set up Pinterest analytics
  2. Define your KPIs (e.g., click-through rate, engagement rate, conversions)
  3. Regularly review your performance data
  4. Use insights to refine your strategy

By avoiding these common mistakes, you’ll be well on your way to creating more effective Pinterest ads campaigns. Remember, success on Pinterest is about providing value, inspiring your audience, and maintaining a consistent, high-quality presence. Keep refining your approach based on performance data, and you’ll see your Pinterest ads efforts flourish.

Pinterest Ads vs. Other Social Media Advertising Platforms

Pinterest Ads vs. Other Social Media Advertising Platforms

When considering where to invest your advertising budget, it’s crucial to understand how Pinterest Ads stack up against other popular platforms. Let’s dive into a comparison with Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube ads, explore the unique advantages of Pinterest Ads, and examine the effectiveness and ROI you can expect.

Comparing to Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube ads

To give you a clear picture of how Pinterest Ads compare to other major platforms, let’s break it down in a table:

Primary ContentVisual (images, videos)Text, images, videosVisual (images, videos)Video
User IntentDiscovery, planning, shoppingSocial connection, newsVisual inspiration, lifestyleEntertainment, education
Ad FormatsPromoted Pins, Shopping Ads, Carousel Ads, Video AdsImage Ads, Video Ads, Carousel Ads, Story AdsImage Ads, Video Ads, Story Ads, Shopping AdsPre-roll, Mid-roll, Bumper Ads
Targeting OptionsKeywords, interests, demographicsInterests, behaviors, demographicsInterests, behaviours, demographicsTopics, keywords, demographics
Average CTR0.75%0.90%0.58%0.64%
Average CPC$1.50$0.97$3.56$3.21

Note: These figures represent industry averages and may differ depending on your niche and campaign.

Unique advantages of Pinterest Ads

Pinterest offers several unique advantages that set it apart from other social media advertising platforms:

  1. Purchase intent: Pinterest users often come to the platform with buying intent, actively searching for products and ideas. This makes them more receptive to ads and more likely to convert.
  2. Longer content lifespan: Unlike other platforms where content quickly disappears from feeds, Pinterest Pins can continue to drive traffic and engagement for months or even years after they’re first posted.
  3. Less ad fatigue: Pinterest users perceive ads as less intrusive compared to other platforms, leading to less ad fatigue and potentially better engagement rates.
  4. Visual discovery: The highly visual nature of Pinterest aligns perfectly with industries like fashion, home decor, and food, allowing for seamless integration of product ads into users’ discovery process.
  5. The Pinterest Taste Graph: This unique targeting feature allows advertisers to reach niche audiences based on evolving interests and preferences, offering more precise targeting than some other platforms.

Effectiveness and ROI comparison

When it comes to effectiveness and ROI, Pinterest has shown impressive results:

  1. Conversion rates: According to a Neustar study, Pinterest ads deliver 2x higher return on ad spend and 2.3x more efficient cost per conversion compared to social media ads.
  2. Influence on purchasing decisions: Hootsuite reports that 89% of Pinterest users use the platform for purchase inspiration.
  3. Brand lift: Pinterest ads have been shown to generate 3x the brand awareness lift compared to industry norms, according to a Nielsen study.
  4. Long-term value: Due to the evergreen nature of Pinterest content, your ads can continue to drive results long after the campaign ends, potentially leading to a higher ROI over time.
  5. Lower competition: With fewer advertisers on Pinterest compared to Facebook or Instagram, there’s often less competition for ad space, potentially leading to lower costs and higher visibility.

While Pinterest may not have the largest user base compared to Facebook or YouTube, its unique features and user behaviour make it a powerful platform for certain types of businesses, particularly those in visually-driven industries or with products that align well with Pinterest’s discovery-focused nature.

To maximize your ROI on Pinterest:

  • Focus on creating high-quality, visually appealing content that fits seamlessly into users’ feeds
  • Utilize Rich Pins to provide more context and information directly on the platform
  • Leverage the Pinterest Taste Graph for precise targeting
  • Optimize your website for Pinterest sharing to extend the reach of your content
  • Use Pinterest Analytics to continually refine your strategy based on performance data

Remember, the most effective social media advertising strategy often involves a mix of platforms. Consider how Pinterest can complement your existing efforts on other channels to create a comprehensive, multi-platform approach that reaches your target audience at various stages of their customer journey.

Case Studies: Successful Pinterest Ads Campaigns

Case Studies: Successful Pinterest Ads Campaigns

Let’s dive into some real-world examples of brands crushing it with Pinterest Ads. These case studies showcase how different types of businesses can leverage the platform’s unique features to achieve impressive results.

E-commerce brand success story: Wayfair

Wayfair, the online home goods retailer, knocked it out of the park with their Pinterest ads campaign. Here’s how they did it:

  • Campaign objective: Drive traffic and sales for home decor products
  • Ad format used: Shopping ads and Promoted Pins
  • Target audience: Home decor enthusiasts and new homeowners


  • 27% increase in click-through rate (CTR)
  • 39% lower cost-per-click (CPC) compared to other social platforms
  • 3x higher conversion rate than their average social media campaign

Key takeaways:

  1. Used high-quality, lifestyle images that blended seamlessly with organic content
  2. Leveraged Pinterest’s Taste Graph to target users interested in specific home decor styles
  3. Rich Pins were used to deliver real-time pricing and availability information.

B2B company leveraging Pinterest Ads: Hootsuite

Hootsuite, a social media management platform, proved that B2B companies can thrive on Pinterest too. Here’s their approach:

  • Campaign objective: Increase brand awareness and lead generation
  • Ad format used: Promoted Pins and Carousel Ads
  • Target audience: Social media managers and small company owners


Engagement rate+30%
Cost per lead-41%
Website traffic+3.5x

Key strategies:

  1. Created visually stunning infographics and tip sheets for their target audience.
  2. Used keyword targeting to reach users searching for social media marketing tips
  3. Implemented a multi-pin strategy to tell a cohesive brand story

Small business growth through Pinterest Ads: Brilliant Earth

Brilliant Earth, an ethical jewellery company, showcases how small businesses can leverage Pinterest Ads for significant growth:

  • Campaign objective: Increase engagement and drive sales for ethical engagement rings
  • Ad format used: Shopping ads and Video Pins
  • Target audience: Eco-conscious millennials are going to get engaged.


  • 50% increase in revenue attributed to Pinterest
  • 2x higher average order value compared to other social channels
  • 30% lower customer acquisition cost

Winning tactics:

  1. Utilized eye-catching video content showcasing their ethical sourcing process
  2. Implemented seasonal campaigns targeting popular proposal times
  3. Leveraged Pinterest’s wedding-related keywords and interests for precise targeting

Explore Brilliant Earth’s Pinterest success: Brilliant Earth Pinterest Profile

These case studies demonstrate that regardless of your industry or company size, there’s potential for success with Pinterest Ads. The key lies in understanding your audience, creating visually compelling content, and leveraging Pinterest’s unique targeting capabilities.

Remember, while these results are impressive, your mileage may vary. It’s crucial to continually test, measure, and optimize your campaigns based on your specific goals and audience response.

Pinterest Ads Campaign Examples to Inspire You

Pinterest Ads Campaign Examples to Inspire You

Let’s dive into some inspiring Pinterest ads campaigns that showcase creativity, innovation, and effective use of the platform’s unique features. These examples will help you brainstorm ideas for your own Pinterest ads efforts.

Successful brand campaigns

Neutrogena’s Skincare Quiz Neutrogena leveraged Pinterest’s interactive features to create a skincare quiz that recommended personalized products based on users’ responses. This campaign not only engaged users, but also supplied useful information for targeted marketing.

Key takeaways:

  • Interactive content boosts engagement
  • Personalization drives conversions
  • Quizzes can generate valuable user data

REI’s #OptOutside Campaign Outdoor retailer REI used Pinterest to amplify their #OptOutside campaign, encouraging users to spend time outdoors instead of shopping on Black Friday. They created boards filled with outdoor activity ideas and gear recommendations.

Key takeaways:

  • Align campaigns with brand values
  • Use hashtags to increase discoverability
  • Create content that adds value beyond product promotion

Sephora’s Beauty Board Sephora created a “Beauty Board” featuring user-generated content of customers wearing their products. This campaign encouraged engagement and showcased real-world applications of their products.

Key takeaways:

  • Leverage user-generated content
  • Build trust through authentic representations
  • Encourage community engagement

Creative ad executions

IKEA’s Buyable Pins IKEA used Buyable Pins to create shoppable room setups, allowing users to purchase items directly from inspirational interior design pins.

Creative elements:

  • Seamless integration of products into lifestyle images
  • Direct purchase functionality within pins
  • Inspiration-to-purchase pipeline

L’Oréal’s Try-On Product Pins L’Oréal utilized Pinterest’s Try-On feature for their makeup products, allowing users to virtually test different shades before purchasing.

Creative elements:

  • Augmented reality integration
  • Interactive product testing
  • Reduced purchase hesitation through virtual trials

Airbnb’s Travel Guide Pins Airbnb created a series of travel guide pins that linked to comprehensive destination guides on their website, featuring local attractions and available rentals.

Creative elements:

  • Rich, informative content beyond product listings
  • Visually appealing destination imagery
  • Seamless integration of accommodations with travel planning

Innovative use of different ad formats

Let’s explore how brands have creatively used various Pinterest ads formats:

Ad FormatBrand ExampleInnovative Use
Video PinsTasty (BuzzFeed)Created short, eye-catching recipe videos optimized for silent viewing
Carousel AdsWest ElmShowcased different room styles using a single product, demonstrating versatility
Collection AdsNikeCombined lifestyle imagery with product closeups for a cohesive shopping experience
Idea PinsMartha Stewart LivingDeveloped multi-page DIY project tutorials with step-by-step instructions
Shopping AdsWayfairUsed dynamic retargeting to show users products they’ve previously viewed

Key Takeaways:

  1. Tailor content to the unique attributes of each ad format
  2. Focus on visual storytelling to capture attention
  3. Integrate products naturally into lifestyle contexts
  4. Provide value beyond product promotion (e.g., tutorials, guides)
  5. Use interactivity to boost engagement when possible

By studying these examples, you can gain insights into effective Pinterest ads strategies. Remember, the most successful campaigns on Pinterest often blend seamlessly with users’ natural behavior on the platform – seeking inspiration, planning, and discovering new products or ideas.

To create your own standout campaign, consider:

  • How can you leverage Pinterest’s unique features?
  • What value can you provide beyond product promotion?
  • How can you make your ads feel native to the Pinterest experience?

By answering these questions and drawing inspiration from successful campaigns, you’ll be well on your way to creating Pinterest ads that not only capture attention but also drive meaningful engagement and conversions.

Future of Pinterest Ads

Future of Pinterest Ads

As we look ahead, Pinterest ads is poised for exciting developments. Let’s explore the emerging trends, potential new ad formats, and the role of AI and machine learning in shaping the future of Pinterest ads.

Emerging trends

  1. Video-first content:
    • Short-form vertical videos gaining traction
    • Increased engagement with video Pins
    • Potential for live shopping experiences
  2. Social commerce integration:
    • Seamless in-app purchasing
    • AR try-on experiences for more product categories
    • Enhanced product tagging in organic and sponsored Pins
  3. Sustainability and ethical consumption:
    • Growing interest in eco-friendly and sustainable products
    • Increased demand for transparency in brand practices
    • Potential for new ad formats highlighting ethical credentials
  4. Personalisation at scale:
    • Hyper-targeted ads based on user behaviour and preferences
    • Dynamic content adaptation in real-time
    • Customised shopping experiences within the platform
  5. Voice search optimisation:
    • Integration with smart home devices
    • Voice-activated Pinterest searches and interactions
    • New opportunities for audio-based advertising

Potential new ad formats and features

  1. Interactive Pins:
    • Mini-games or quizzes within Pins
    • Swipe-up features for more immersive experiences
    • 360-degree product view Pins
  2. Augmented Reality (AR) Pins:
    • Expansion of Try-on Pins to more product categories
    • AR-powered home decor and furniture placement
    • Virtual store experiences within Pinterest
  3. Collaborative Pins:
    • Co-created content between brands and influencers
    • User-generated content integration in ads
    • Community-driven shopping experiences
  4. Story Pins evolution:
    • Longer-form, episodic content
    • Shoppable elements within Story Pins
    • Integration with other social media stories
  5. Audio Pins:
    • Podcast snippet integration
    • Music discovery ads
    • Voice note Pins for a more personal touch

AI and machine learning in Pinterest Ads

  1. Advanced visual search capabilities:
    • Improved image recognition for more accurate product recommendations
    • AI-powered trend prediction based on visual data
    • Automatic categorisation and tagging of Pins
  2. Predictive analytics for ad performance:
    • AI-driven budget allocation across campaigns
    • Automated A/B testing and optimisation
    • Real-time performance forecasting
  3. Natural Language Processing (NLP) enhancements:
    • Improved understanding of user intent in searches
    • More accurate keyword suggestions for advertisers
    • Sentiment analysis for better ad targeting
  4. Personalised ad creation:
    • AI-generated ad copy and visuals tailored to individual users
    • Dynamic ad assembly based on user preferences
    • Automated video creation from static images
  5. Chatbots and virtual assistants:
    • AI-powered shopping assistants within Pinterest
    • Personalised product recommendations in chat format
    • Automated customer service for advertisers

As Pinterest continues to evolve, these advancements in technology and user experience will likely shape the future of advertising on the platform. Brands that stay ahead of these trends and embrace new features will be well-positioned to capture the attention of Pinterest’s engaged audience.

To learn more about current Pinterest ads features, check out the official Pinterest for Business page. Keep an eye on their blog and announcements for the latest updates on new ad formats and capabilities.

Remember, while these predictions are based on current trends and industry insights, the actual future of Pinterest ads may vary. Always stay flexible and ready to adapt your strategies as the platform evolves.

How to Get Started with Pinterest Ads

How to Get Started with Pinterest Ads

Step-by-step guide for beginners

  1. Create a Pinterest Business Account
    • Go to and click “Create account”
    • Fill in your business details and verify your website
  2. Set up Pinterest Tag
    • Navigate to Ads > Conversions
    • Click “Create Pinterest Tag” and follow the steps.
    • Add the tag to your website to monitor conversions.
  3. Define your campaign objective
    • Choose from awareness, consideration, or conversion goals
  4. Select your ad format
    • Options include Standard Pins, Video Pins, Carousel Ads, etc.
  5. Set your targeting parameters
    • Define the audience based on their demographics, interests, and activities.
    • Utilize the Pinterest Taste Graph for more precise targeting
  6. Create your ad content
    • Design visually appealing Pins that align with Pinterest’s best practices
    • Write appealing ad copy with a clear call to action.
  7. Set your budget and bidding strategy
    • Choose between daily or lifetime budget
    • Select automatic or manual bidding
  8. Launch and monitor your campaign
    • Use Pinterest Analytics to track performance
    • Make data-driven optimizations as needed

Tips for creating your first campaign

  1. Start with a clear goal
    • Define what success looks like for your campaign (e.g., website traffic, sales)
  2. Know your audience
    • Research your target market’s interests and behaviors on Pinterest
  3. Leverage existing content
    • Repurpose high-performing content from other platforms for Pinterest
  4. Embrace vertical visuals
    • Use a 2:3 aspect ratio for optimal display on mobile devices
  5. Experiment with different ad formats
    • Test several formats to find what works best for your audience.
  6. Use relevant keywords
    • Incorporate popular search terms in your Pin descriptions and ad copy
  7. Set realistic budgets
    • Begin small and grow as you learn what works.
  8. A/B test your ads
    • Create many variations of your advertising to discover the top performers.
  9. Monitor and adjust
    • Regularly check your campaign performance and make data-driven tweaks
  10. Be patient
    • Allow time for your campaigns to gather data before making major changes

Resources for further learning

  1. Official Pinterest resources
  2. Online courses
    • Udemy: “Pinterest Marketing & Advertising” course
    • Skillshare: “Pinterest Marketing for Beginners” class
  3. YouTube tutorials
    • Pinterest for Business official channel
    • Popular marketing YouTubers covering Pinterest strategies
  4. Pinterest marketing podcasts
    • “Simple Pin Podcast” by Kate Ahl
    • “The Pinterest Podcast” by Jackie Kossoff
  5. Pinterest marketing communities
    • Join Facebook groups dedicated to Pinterest marketing
    • Participate in Pinterest-focused LinkedIn groups
  6. Case studies
    • Review success stories on the Pinterest Business website
    • Analyze competitor campaigns for inspiration
  7. Pinterest’s own webinars and events
    • Attend live or watch recorded sessions for insider tips
  8. Third-party tools and resources
    • Explore tools like Tailwind for Pinterest scheduling and analytics
    • Use Canva for creating Pinterest-optimized visuals
  9. Expert consultations
    • Consider hiring a Pinterest marketing specialist for personalized guidance

By following this step-by-step guide, implementing these tips, and utilizing these resources, you’ll be well-equipped to launch your first Pinterest ads campaign. Remember, success on Pinterest often comes from consistent effort, creativity, and a willingness to learn and adapt based on your campaign performance.

Driving More Traffic with Pinterest Ads

Driving More Traffic with Pinterest Ads

Pinterest ads offer a unique opportunity to drive significant traffic to your website or online store. By leveraging the platform’s powerful targeting capabilities and optimising your ad strategy, you can effectively reach and engage your target audience. Let’s dive into three key areas that can help boost your traffic:

Leveraging interest-targeting capabilities

Pinterest’s interest-targeting capabilities, particularly through the Pinterest Taste Graph, allow you to reach users based on their specific interests and behaviours. Here’s how to make the most of this feature:

  1. Explore niche interests: The Taste Graph offers over 5,000 interests, allowing for highly specific targeting. For example, instead of targeting “fitness,” you could target “high-intensity interval training” or “yoga for beginners.”
  2. Combine interests: Create more targeted audience segments by combining multiple interests. For instance, target users interested in both “sustainable living” and “home decor” for eco-friendly home products.
  3. Use keyword targeting: Complement interest targeting with relevant keywords to capture users actively searching for content related to your products or services.
  4. Leverage seasonal trends: Align your targeting with seasonal interests and events to capitalise on increased user activity around specific themes.
  5. Test and refine: Continuously test different interest combinations and analyse performance to optimise your targeting strategy.

Optimizing post-click landing pages

Driving traffic is only half the battle; creating a consistent user experience after the click is critical to conversion. Here are tips for optimizing your landing pages:

  1. Maintain visual consistency: Ensure your landing page design and imagery align with your Pinterest ads to create a cohesive experience.
  2. Optimise for mobile: With a significant portion of Pinterest users browsing on mobile devices, ensure your landing pages are mobile-responsive and fast-loading.
  3. Clear call-to-action (CTA): Place a prominent, compelling CTA above the fold that aligns with your ad’s promise.
  4. Relevant content: Provide valuable, relevant content that matches the user’s intent and expectations based on your ad.
  5. Simplified navigation: Minimize distractions and focus on guiding the user towards the desired action.
  6. Social proof: Include customer testimonials, reviews, or trust badges to build credibility.
  7. Fast load times: Optimise page speed to reduce bounce rates and improve user experience.

Strategies for increasing click-through rates

To drive more traffic, you need to entice users to click on your ads. Here are effective strategies to boost your click-through rates (CTR):

  1. Create scroll-stopping visuals: Use high-quality, eye-catching images or videos that stand out in users’ feeds.
  2. Write compelling ad copy: Craft clear, concise, and benefit-driven copy that resonates with your target audience.
  3. Use rich pins: Implement rich pins to provide additional context and information directly within the pin.
  4. Experiment with ad formats: Test different ad formats (e.g., standard pins, video pins, carousel ads) to see which performs best for your content.
  5. Implement strong CTAs: Use action-oriented language in your pins to encourage clicks. For example, “Shop now,” “Learn more,” or “Get inspired.”
  6. Leverage urgency and scarcity: Create a sense of urgency or exclusivity in your ads to prompt immediate action.
  7. A/B test your ads: Continuously test different elements of your ads (images, copy, CTAs) to identify what resonates best with your audience.
  8. Optimise for search: Use relevant keywords in your pin titles and descriptions to improve visibility in Pinterest search results.
  9. Post at optimal times: Schedule your ads to appear when your target audience is most active on the platform.
  10. Use hashtags strategically: Include relevant, trending hashtags to increase discoverability of your pins.

To illustrate the impact of these strategies, let’s look at a comparison of CTR improvements:

StrategyAverage CTR Increase
High-quality visuals25-30%
Compelling ad copy15-20%
Rich pins10-15%
Strong CTAs20-25%
A/B testing10-30%
Comparison of CTR improvements

Remember, driving traffic with Pinterest ads is an ongoing process of testing, analysing, and refining your approach. By consistently applying these strategies and staying attuned to your audience’s preferences, you can significantly increase the traffic flowing from Pinterest to your website or online store.

For more insights on Pinterest ads best practices, check out Pinterest’s official guide for advertisers: Pinterest for Business

By implementing these strategies, you’ll be well on your way to harnessing the full traffic-driving potential of Pinterest ads for your business.


Throughout this comprehensive guide, we’ve explored the multifaceted world of Pinterest Ads. Let’s recap the essential takeaways:

  1. Pinterest’s unique ecosystem: With over 431 million monthly active users, Pinterest offers a distinctive platform where users actively seek inspiration, ideas, and products.
  2. Diverse ad formats: From Promoted Pins to Shopping Ads and Try On Product Pins, Pinterest provides a range of advertising options to suit various business goals.
  3. Targeting capabilities: The Pinterest Taste Graph and other targeting options allow for precise audience segmentation, enhancing ad relevance and effectiveness.
  4. Best practices: High-quality visuals, compelling copy, and strategic keyword use are crucial for success on Pinterest.
  5. Performance measurement: Utilizing Pinterest Analytics and continually optimizing campaigns based on data is key to improving ROI.

To maximize your Pinterest Ads efforts, keep these final tips in mind:

  1. Stay visual: Pinterest is a visual platform. Invest in high-quality, eye-catching imagery that stands out in users’ feeds.
  2. Embrace seasonality: Plan your campaigns around seasonal trends and events relevant to your audience.
  3. Test and iterate: Regularly A/B test your ad creative, copy, and targeting to refine your approach.
  4. Leverage Rich Pins: Use Rich Pins to provide more context and information directly within your Pins.
  5. Optimize for mobile: With most Pinterest users accessing the platform via mobile devices, ensure your ads and landing pages are mobile-friendly.
  6. Engage with your audience: Respond to comments and engage with users who interact with your Pins to build brand loyalty.

As we’ve seen, Pinterest offers a unique advertising ecosystem that’s ripe with opportunity. Unlike other social platforms where users might scroll past ads, Pinterest users are often in a discovery mindset, actively seeking inspiration and ideas—including products and services to purchase.

By leveraging Pinterest’s visual nature, its highly engaged user base, and its powerful targeting capabilities, businesses of all sizes can tap into a goldmine of potential customers. Whether you’re an e-commerce brand looking to boost sales, a B2B company aiming to increase leads, or a small business wanting to raise awareness, Pinterest Ads has something to offer.

Don’t be afraid to start small, experiment, and learn from your campaigns. The key is to get started and to keep refining your approach based on the data and insights you gather. Remember, Pinterest users are planners and dreamers—by providing them with inspiring, valuable content through your ads, you’re not just selling a product or service, you’re helping them bring their ideas to life.

So, dive in, get creative, and start pinning your way to advertising success. The Pinterest ecosystem is waiting for your unique voice and offerings. Happy pinning!

FAQs About Pinterest Ads

What is Pinterest and Pinterest Ads?

Pinterest is a visual discovery platform where users save and share images and ideas. Pinterest Ads allows businesses to promote their content to Pinterest’s vast user base through various ad formats.

How profitable are Pinterest ads?

Pinterest ads can be highly profitable, with many businesses reporting a strong return on investment (ROI). According to Pinterest, advertisers see $2 in profit for every $1 spent on ads, which is 2.3 times more efficient than ads on other social media platforms.

How do I advertise a product on Pinterest?

To advertise a product on Pinterest:

  1. Create a business account
  2. Set up your Pinterest tag
  3. Choose an ad format (e.g., Shopping Ads or Promoted Pins)
  4. Select your target audience
  5. Set your budget and bid
  6. Create eye-catching visuals and compelling copy
  7. Launch and monitor your campaign

How many people are on Pinterest?

As of 2024, Pinterest has over 450 million monthly active users globally, with a significant portion being in the United States.

What is the best advertising strategy for Pinterest?

The best Pinterest ads strategy typically involves:

  • Creating visually appealing content
  • Targeting the right audience using Pinterest’s Taste Graph
  • Using a mix of ad formats (e.g., Promoted Pins, Video Pins, Shopping Ads)
  • Optimizing for mobile users
  • Leveraging seasonal trends
  • Consistently testing and refining your approach

How do Pinterest ads work?

Pinterest ads work on an auction-based system. Advertisers bid for ad placement, and ads are shown to users based on factors like bid amount, ad quality, and relevance to the user’s interests.

Are Pinterest ads cheaper than Facebook?

Pinterest ads can be more cost-effective than Facebook ads for certain industries, especially those with visual products. However, costs vary depending on your target audience, industry, and competition.

How much do Pinterest ads cost in 2024?

Pinterest ads costs in 2024 vary, but on average:

  • Cost-per-click (CPC): $0.10 – $1.50
  • Cost-per-mille (CPM): $2.00 – $5.00

Actual costs depend on factors like industry, targeting, and competition.

What are promoted pins?

Promoted Pins are regular Pinterest pins that advertisers pay to display to a wider audience. They appear in users’ home feeds, search results, and category feeds, blending seamlessly with organic content.

What are Pinterest’s other advertising options?

Other Pinterest advertising options include:

  • Shopping Ads
  • Video Pins
  • Carousel Ads
  • Collection Ads
  • Try On Product Pins
  • Idea Pins (story pins)
  • Dynamic Retargeting Campaigns

What are the recommended ad objectives on Pinterest?

Pinterest offers several ad objectives:

  1. Brand awareness
  2. Video views
  3. Consideration (traffic, app installs)
  4. Conversions (online checkout, lead generation)
  5. Catalog sales

Choose the objective that best aligns with your marketing goals.

Can small businesses benefit from Pinterest Ads?

Absolutely! Small businesses can benefit from Pinterest Ads by:

  • Reaching a highly engaged audience
  • Targeting niche interests with the Taste Graph
  • Leveraging visual content to showcase products
  • Driving traffic to their website or online store
  • Building brand awareness cost-effectively

How long does it take to see results from Pinterest Ads?

Results from Pinterest Ads can vary, but many advertisers start seeing engagement within the first few days. For meaningful data on campaign performance, allow 2-4 weeks. Remember that Pinterest is often used for long-term planning, so some conversions may occur weeks or months after initial ad exposure.

Are Pinterest Ads suitable for B2B companies?

Yes, Pinterest Ads can be effective for B2B companies, especially those in visually-oriented industries like design, architecture, or technology. B2B brands can use Pinterest to:

  • Share infographics and data visualizations
  • Showcase product features
  • Offer industry insights and tips
  • Build thought leadership

How often should I update my Pinterest Ads campaigns?

Regularly updating your Pinterest Ads campaigns is crucial. Consider:

  • Refreshing creative every 2-4 weeks
  • Adjusting targeting monthly based on performance data
  • Updating seasonal content quarterly
  • Conducting major campaign reviews every 3-6 months

How do I create Boards, Pins, and Promoted Pins on Pinterest?

To create content on Pinterest:

  1. Boards: Click ‘+’ in your profile and select ‘Create board’
  2. Pins: Click ‘+’ and choose ‘Create Pin’
  3. Promoted Pins: Create a regular Pin, then use Pinterest Ads Manager to promote it

What strategies should I use to leverage Pinterest Ads?

Effective Pinterest Ads strategies include:

  1. Creating high-quality, vertical images (2:3 aspect ratio)
  2. Using rich pins to add extra information
  3. Implementing strong calls-to-action
  4. Leveraging video content
  5. Targeting based on interests and keywords
  6. Retargeting website visitors
  7. Utilizing shopping features for e-commerce
  8. Collaborating with influencers

How can I measure the success of my Pinterest Ads campaigns?

Measure success using Pinterest Analytics and Ads Manager:

  • Impressions and engagement rates
  • Click-through rates (CTR)
  • Conversions and conversion rates
  • Return on ad spend (ROAS)
  • Cost per action (CPA)
  • Brand lift studies for awareness campaigns

What is the Pinterest Taste Graph and how does it enhance targeting?

The Pinterest Taste Graph is a sophisticated targeting system that maps users’ interests based on their Pinterest activity. It enhances targeting by:

  • Offering over 5,000 interests for precise audience targeting
  • Dynamically updating user preferences
  • Allowing advertisers to reach users at different stages of the purchase journey

How can Pinterest ads drive more traffic to my website?

To drive more traffic with Pinterest ads:

  1. Use compelling visuals and clear CTAs
  2. Optimize your website for mobile users
  3. Implement rich pins to provide more context
  4. Use relevant keywords in your pin descriptions
  5. Target users based on interests and search behavior
  6. Retarget website visitors with tailored ads
  7. Leverage video pins for higher engagement

What are Rich Pins and how can they improve my Pinterest ads?

Rich Pins are enhanced pins that automatically sync information from your website. They can improve your ads by:

  • Providing real-time pricing and availability for products
  • Displaying recipes with ingredients and cooking times
  • Showing article headlines and descriptions
  • Increasing credibility and providing more context to users

What are the best practices for image optimization in Pinterest ads?

Best practices for Pinterest ads images include:

  • Using a 2:3 aspect ratio (1000×1500 pixels)
  • Creating eye-catching, high-quality visuals
  • Incorporating your brand colors and logo subtly
  • Using text overlay sparingly (< 20% of the image)
  • Showcasing products in context or in use
  • Ensuring images are mobile-friendly
  • A/B testing different image styles and compositions

How does Pinterest’s user behavior differ from other social media platforms?

Pinterest user behavior is unique:

  • Users are in a discovery and planning mindset
  • Longer consideration cycles for purchases
  • Higher intent to buy compared to other platforms
  • Content has a longer lifespan (pins can be relevant for months)
  • Users actively save and organize content for future reference
  • More focused on personal interests rather than social connections
  • Higher engagement with branded content compared to other platforms

By understanding these differences, advertisers can tailor their Pinterest strategies to align with user behavior and maximize campaign effectiveness.

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