Decoding ERROR_SUCCESS: A Guide to Troubleshooting

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The 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) code in Windows might initially appear perplexing as it signals an operation has been completed successfully, yet it’s not uncommon to find it associated with issues, especially when downloading or updating apps in the Microsoft Store 14. While the code itself is designed to indicate success, its presence in error logs or troubleshooting scenarios, such as with Windows Store apps, suggests a nuanced context where it might also highlight underlying issues related to proxy settings, internet connections, or Windows Update processes 56. This ambiguity makes it a unique case among Win32 error codes, warranting a closer examination for Windows users navigating updates, app installations, or system troubleshooting 1.

Decoding ERROR_SUCCESS: A Guide to Troubleshooting

In addressing this dichotomy, the following guide will explore the circumstances under which the ERROR_SUCCESS code may pose as a misleading indicator of trouble, particularly focusing on common scenarios where it emerges and the troubleshooting steps to resolve potential covert problems. By delving into methods such as running the Windows Store Apps Troubleshooter, checking and resetting internet and network settings, and reinstalling Windows Store using PowerShell, users will be equipped with the knowledge to discern and tackle the complexities around this code, ensuring smoother operations and updates within their Windows environment 46.

Understanding the ERROR_SUCCESS Code

The ERROR_SUCCESS code, identified by the numerical value 0x00000000, is a unique identifier within the Windows operating system, indicating that a particular operation has completed successfully 1. Despite its designation as a success code, its appearance often confuses users, especially when it emerges during activities like updating or downloading apps from the Microsoft Store or during Windows Update processes 47.

Understanding the ERROR_SUCCESS Code

Key Characteristics of ERROR_SUCCESS

  1. Nature of the Code: Primarily, ERROR_SUCCESS signifies that no errors were encountered during the execution of an operation 1.
  2. Common Associations: Frequently linked with the Windows Store, users may see this code when attempting to download or update applications, often leading to confusion about the state of the operation 4.
  3. Windows Updates Context: It also appears during Windows Updates, indicating successful installation of updates, which might be misleading if there are underlying issues like system file corruption 7.

Technical Details of Win32 Error Codes

  • Range and Usage: Win32 error codes, including ERROR_SUCCESS, fall within the range 0x0000 to 0xFFFF. These codes are utilized by Win32 applications to communicate the outcomes of operations performed 1.
  • Default Messages: Most of these codes have predefined messages that help translate the code into a human-readable format, aiding in diagnostics and troubleshooting 1.
  • Documentation and Standards: Detailed documentation such as [MS-ERREF]: Windows Error Codes provides comprehensive usage information about these codes, ensuring consistent application across various scenarios 1.
  • Guidance for Vendors: It is advised that vendors should avoid assigning alternate meanings to established error codes to prevent conflicts and ensure clarity in error reporting 1.

Implications for Technical Support and IT Professionals

The understanding of ERROR_SUCCESS and other Win32 error codes is crucial for technical support agents and IT professionals, who rely on these codes for troubleshooting and resolving user issues. The table of known error codes, which includes ERROR_SUCCESS, offers valuable links to relevant sections that can aid in addressing related complications 8.

This in-depth comprehension of ERROR_SUCCESS and associated Win32 error codes not only equips professionals with the necessary knowledge to handle issues effectively but also helps in educating users about the nuances of error codes in Windows environments.

Common Scenarios Where ERROR_SUCCESS Appears

The 0x00000000 code, despite its name, has a knack for popping up when things aren’t quite right. It’s like receiving a “mission accomplished” notification when the package is still stuck in transit. Ironically, this “successful” error code often rears its head in the Microsoft Store, especially during app downloads and updates.

Common Scenarios Where ERROR_SUCCESS Appears

Picture this: you’re eagerly awaiting the latest game, but the download stalls, and the only message you receive is this frustratingly ambiguous ERROR_SUCCESS. It’s a scenario familiar to many Windows users, leading to confusion and frustration. But the Microsoft Store isn’t the only place this deceptive code likes to lurk. It can also appear during Windows Updates, potentially masking underlying system issues.

Microsoft Store Downloads and Updates

  1. Frequent Occurrence in Microsoft Store: The ERROR_SUCCESS code, or 0x00000000, is commonly encountered in the Microsoft Store, particularly when users attempt to download or update applications 93.
  2. User Experience Example: A specific instance was reported by a user named Michael Mylo, who faced this error while downloading apps from the Microsoft Store on Windows 10 10.

Wide Range of Windows Tasks

  • Updating and Installing Scenarios: This error code appears not only during Microsoft Store interactions but also in various other Windows tasks. These include updating to Windows 10, installing current Windows Updates, and during system startup and shutdown processes 11.
  • Printing and Other Tasks: Additionally, the ERROR_SUCCESS code can manifest during seemingly unrelated tasks like printing, further confusing users about its implications 11.

Troubleshooting Challenges

  • Ineffective Common Fixes: Users often attempt standard troubleshooting steps such as checking the time zone and date settings or ensuring a stable internet connection. However, these measures frequently do not resolve the ERROR_SUCCESS issue, particularly in the context of the Windows Store 4.
  • Impact on UWP Apps: Particularly in Windows 11 and 10, this error prevents users from successfully downloading or updating Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps, leading to significant inconvenience 2.

Installation and Update Attempts

  • Repeated Observations: The error is consistently observed when users try to install or update apps from the Microsoft Store, indicating a recurring pattern that affects numerous users 3.

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Troubleshooting Steps for When ERROR_SUCCESS Indicates an Issue

Troubleshooting Steps for When ERROR_SUCCESS Indicates an Issue

Check and Restart the Microsoft Store Install Service

  • Verify Service Status: Navigate to the Services app by typing “Services” in the Start menu search box. In the Services list, locate and select ‘Microsoft Store Install Service’. Ensure the service status is set to ‘Running’. If not, proceed to restart the service 3.

Clear Microsoft Store Cache

  • Run WSReset Command: Open Command Prompt and type WSReset.exe to clear the cache of the Microsoft Store. This step can help resolve issues preventing the store from functioning correctly, including the ERROR_SUCCESS code 3.

System File Repair

  • Use System File Checker (SFC) Scan: Open Command Prompt as an administrator and type sfc /scannow to start the scan. This tool will search for corrupted system files and attempt repairs 7.
  • Run DISM Tool: If SFC scan does not resolve the issue, use the Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) tool by typing DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth in the Command Prompt 13.

Network Settings Adjustment

  • Modify Proxy Settings: Disable any proxy settings that might be interfering with the Microsoft Store by navigating to Internet Options > Connections > LAN settings, and unchecking “Use a proxy server for your LAN” 9.

System Restore and Recovery

  • Perform System Restore: If recent changes are causing issues, performing a system restore to a previous point when everything was working fine can be effective. Access this feature through the System Properties > System Protection 9.
  • Reset or Reinstall Windows: As a last resort, consider resetting Windows to its default settings or performing a clean install. Ensure to back up important files before proceeding 12.

Additional Troubleshooting Methods

  • Run Windows Store Apps Troubleshooter: This built-in tool can automatically identify and fix common problems with Windows Store apps 9.
  • Create a New User Account: Sometimes, creating a new user account can resolve underlying issues related to user profiles and settings 9.

By methodically working through these steps, users can address and potentially resolve the misleading ERROR_SUCCESS code, ensuring smoother operations within the Windows environment.

Running the Windows Store Apps Troubleshooter

To effectively address issues with the Microsoft Store, particularly the ERROR_SUCCESS code, running the Windows Store Apps Troubleshooter is a recommended step. This built-in utility is designed to automatically detect and resolve common problems that may prevent the Microsoft Store from functioning correctly.

Running the Windows Store Apps Troubleshooter

Step-by-Step Guide to Using the Windows Store Apps Troubleshooter

Access the Troubleshooter

  • Press the Start button or select the Settings cog on the Windows 11/10 menu.
  • Navigate to the ‘System’ tab and click on ‘Troubleshoot’.
  • Select ‘Other troubleshooters’.
  • Next to ‘Windows Store Apps’, click the ‘Run’ button to start the troubleshooter 2.

Automatic Problem Detection and Resolution

  • Once initiated, the troubleshooter will begin to scan the Microsoft Store app for any issues.
  • It automatically detects problems and attempts to fix them without user intervention 32.
  • If issues related to the ERROR_SUCCESS code are found, the troubleshooter will apply fixes aimed at resolving these errors 9.

Alternative Troubleshooting Method

  • Alternatively, go to ‘Settings’ > ‘Update and Security’ > ‘Troubleshoot’ > ‘Additional troubleshooters’.
  • Here, select ‘Windows Store apps’ and then click ‘Run the troubleshooter’ to initiate the process 3.

By following these steps, users can potentially resolve the misleading ERROR_SUCCESS code and other related issues, ensuring a smoother experience with the Microsoft Store. This process is crucial for maintaining the functionality and reliability of apps and updates within the Windows operating system.

Checking and Resetting Internet Connectivity

Verify Network Connection

  • Check Internet Connectivity: Ensure that your device is connected to the internet. If you are experiencing slow or intermittent connectivity, it might affect Windows operations including updates and Microsoft Store downloads 7.
  • Restart Router: If connectivity issues persist, try restarting your router. This can resolve many common network issues by refreshing your connection to your internet service provider 7.
Checking and Resetting Internet Connectivity

Adjust Network Settings

  • Open Network Settings: Type inetcpl.cpl in the Start menu to open Internet Options 4.
  • Modify LAN Settings:
    • Navigate to the ‘Connections’ tab and select ‘LAN settings’ 4.
    • Uncheck the option ‘Use a proxy server for your LAN’. This ensures that the proxy settings do not interfere with your internet connection 4.
    • Confirm changes and close the window.

Reconnect to Windows Store

  • Re-launch the Microsoft Store: After adjusting your network settings, open the Microsoft Store again to see if the connectivity issue has been resolved 4.

Additional Network Checks

  • Inspect Router Settings: Verify that your router settings are optimized for stability and speed. Adjustments might be required to ensure consistent internet service, especially during downloads or updates 7.
  • Check Proxy Settings: Ensure that the proxy settings are correctly configured. Incorrect settings can lead to connectivity problems affecting Windows services 9.

Reinstalling Windows Store Using PowerShell

To effectively reinstall the Windows Store using PowerShell, it is important to follow a systematic approach that ensures all components are properly reinstalled, potentially resolving any issues related to the ERROR_SUCCESS code. Below are detailed steps to guide you through the process using PowerShell commands.

Reinstalling Windows Store Using PowerShell

Method 1: Standard PowerShell Reinstallation

  • Open PowerShell as Administrator: Right-click on the Start button and select ‘Windows PowerShell (Admin)’ to ensure you have the necessary permissions to execute commands 3.
  • Uninstall the Microsoft Store: Type the following command and press Enter: “Get-AppxPackage -alluser *WindowsStore* | Remove-AppxPackage”, This command removes the existing Microsoft Store application from all user accounts on the system 3.
  • Reinstall the Microsoft Store: After uninstalling, input the following command to reinstall the Microsoft Store: “Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers Microsoft.WindowsStore* | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation)\\AppXManifest.xml”}”. This reinstalls the Microsoft Store and registers its necessary components 3.
  • Restart Your Device: Restart your computer to ensure all changes take effect and the Microsoft Store is properly set up 4.

Method 2: Advanced Repair Using Command Line Tools

  • Open Command Prompt as Administrator: Search for ‘cmd’ in the Start menu, right-click on ‘Command Prompt’ and select ‘Run as administrator’.
  • Stop Essential Services: Execute the following commands to stop critical Windows Update services before making system changes:
    • net stop bits
    • net stop wuauserv
    • net stop appidsvc
    • net stop cryptsvc
  • Delete Update Cache and Reset Components: Clear the update cache and reset the software distribution folders by running:
    • Del “%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\\Application Data\\Microsoft\\Network\\Downloader*.*”
    • rmdir %systemroot%\\SoftwareDistribution /S /Q
    • rmdir %systemroot%\\system32\\catroot2 /S /Q
  • Re-register DLL Files: To ensure all components function correctly, re-register key DLL files using:
    • regsvr32.exe /s atl.dll
    • regsvr32.exe /s urlmon.dll
    • regsvr32.exe /s mshtml.dll
  • Reset Network Settings: Reset the Winsock catalog and proxy settings to default by executing:
    • netsh winsock reset
    • netsh winsock reset proxy
  • Restart Services: After making changes, restart the services you stopped earlier:
    • net start bits
    • net start wuauserv
    • net start appidsvc
    • net start cryptsvc

This method ensures that all necessary components for the Microsoft Store are repaired and updated 14.

Method 3: Using the Xbox App for Reinstallation

  • Open the Xbox App: Navigate to the Xbox app on your Windows device and open it.
  • Access Settings: Go to ‘Settings’ and then either ‘General’ or ‘Account’ based on your app version.
  • Install Microsoft Store: Find and select the option to ‘Install Microsoft Store’. This method leverages the integration between Windows services to facilitate a smooth reinstallation 14.

By following these methods, you can effectively manage and reinstall the Windows Store on your system, potentially resolving any persistent issues related to application functionality or ERROR_SUCCESS code discrepancies.


Throughout this comprehensive guide, we’ve delved into the perplexing nature of the 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS) error code, uncovering its deceptive appearance in a variety of contexts within the Windows operating system. From its misleading presence in updating and downloading applications from the Microsoft Store to its occurrence in Windows Update processes, we’ve explored the key scenarios where this error might arise, accompanied by a slew of strategic solutions aimed at resolving the underlying issues that could be hindering your system’s performance.

Addressing the ERROR_SUCCESS code requires a nuanced understanding of Windows operations and a thoughtful approach to troubleshooting that goes beyond superficial fixes. By methodically following the provided steps to examine internet and network settings, utilize the Windows Store Apps Troubleshooter, and even undergo system file repairs among other recommendations, users can navigate towards a resolution. Remember, while the ERROR_SUCCESS code signals completion, its occurrence can sometimes indicate deeper system or connectivity issues worth investigating to ensure the smooth running of your Windows environment.


What steps can I take to resolve the error code 0x00000000 on my Windows device?

To address the error code 0x00000000, you can begin by resetting the Windows Store cache. This is a straightforward process: simply open the Run dialog box by pressing the Win + R keys together, type wsreset.exe into the field, and then press Enter to execute the command.

What are some methods to correct the error code 0x00000000 during Windows updates?

To fix the error code 0x00000000 that appears during Windows updates, you can:

  • Use the Windows Update Troubleshooter to automatically identify and resolve any problems.
  • Perform an SFC (System File Checker) scan to repair corrupted system files.
  • Use the Disk Cleanup tool to clear out unnecessary files and free up disk space.
  • Consider resetting your PC or performing a clean installation of Windows if the error persists.

What does the error code 0x00000000 mean when it appears on Microsoft gaming services?

The error code 0x00000000 typically occurs in the Microsoft Store when users attempt to install new Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps or update existing ones. The error messages associated with this code often include phrases like “Something unexpected happened” or “Try that again,” indicating a failure in the installation or update process.

Can ERROR_SUCCESS affect other Windows components beyond the Microsoft Store?

Absolutely. While often associated with the Microsoft Store, this elusive code can manifest in other areas like Windows Updates, system startup/shutdown processes, and even seemingly unrelated tasks like printing. Its presence doesn’t always signify a critical failure, but it often highlights underlying issues that need addressing.

I’ve given my computer a restart, but the ERROR_SUCCESS code is still popping up. Any other suggestions?

Restarting is a good first step, but sometimes more targeted actions are needed. Try running the built-in “Windows Store Apps Troubleshooter” – it can automatically detect and fix common Microsoft Store woes. Clearing the store’s cache with the WSReset.exe command is another potent solution.

Is it safe to reinstall the Microsoft Store using PowerShell? Will I lose any data?

Reinstalling the Store using PowerShell is generally safe and won’t affect your personal data. It essentially refreshes the app and its components, potentially resolving stubborn glitches. Make sure you follow the instructions closely, and if you’re unsure, it’s a good idea to ask for assistance from a friend who’s good with technology or an IT professional.

Could antivirus or firewall software possibly cause issues resulting in the ERROR_SUCCESS code?

Occasionally, security software can overly intervene with Windows processes, including those linked to the Microsoft Store. If you suspect this scenario, consider temporarily disabling your antivirus and firewall (with caution), then check if the problem persists. If it resolves, consider adjusting your security software settings to ensure smoother Microsoft Store operations.

I’ve tried everything, and the ERROR_SUCCESS code is driving me crazy! What’s my last resort?

Don’t despair! If all else fails, two drastic but often effective options remain:

  • System Restore: Revert your system to a previous point when everything worked (make sure you have a restore point available).
  • Resetting or Reinstalling Windows: The nuclear option, but it can provide a clean slate. Just remember to back up your important data beforehand!


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